Why eating mindfully benefits more than just your digestion

mindful eating

Consuming foods without distraction, eating with awareness and taking pleasure from our food are some of the key principles of mindful eating. Sounds simple, but in today’s society where eating at our desk, in front of the TV or computer has become the norm, mindful eating habits are difficult to incorporate.


Mindful eating has a number of positive impacts on our health. When we are eating without distraction and can initiate our rest and digest state. This helps us to avoid what can be distressing symptoms such as bloating, gas and digestive discomfort. We are also able to break down, absorb our nutrients and digest our food more effectively.


In recent years, researchers have also found that when we eat for pleasure, and with awareness we feel more satisfied and are less likely to override our body’s cues that tell us when we are full. When we eat foods that we feel we ‘should’ eat rather than what we really desire, we are likely to continue to crave. We are more likely to end up eating the other foods anyway, and for some this can result in binging.

The study found that mindful eating was a fundamental factor as to why participants were able to manage their weight effectively without dieting. It would have been helpful to witness longer lasting impacts of the research ( which was only carried out over six months).


I have personally found that the introduction of mindful eating has significantly impacted my client’s outcomes. Most of all, this has contributed to long lasting changes to their eating behaviour and relationship with food.


I would love to guide you on the path to mindful eating and let you experience how it really feels. I feel passionately about the transformative effects of this and have been thinking about creating a mini course to help you on your journey to food freedom.

I would love to know if you would be interested in taking part. Comment ‘yes’ if this might be something to ignite the spark of change in you!

If you are you struggling with your eating and your relationship with food + your body, head over to The Food Freedom Collective free group, for daily support and weekly live videos to tackle your challenges

If any of these resonate then this community is for you :

💠You are on and off diets all the time

💠You find yourself binge eating

💠You are an ‘emotional eater’

💠You restrict food in order to lose weight

💠 You can’t stop thinking about your weight, appearance or food

💠 You feel overwhelmed and confused no longer knowing what you ‘should’ eat