
Ravishing Radish!


This peppery tasting vegetable packs a nutritional punch when it comes to the many nutrients it contains. It is a great source of minerals namely potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. 

Notably, the radish is rich in vitamin C, which is a nutrient that needs to be replaced daily. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin and can be dramatically reduced in the body, with stress and environmental factors such as cigarette smoke. This important vitamin aids the rebuilding of body tissues and blood vessels and is vital for immune support. 

Radishes act as a natural diuretic and by increasing the production of urine, will actively promote kidney and urinary health. Radishes contain sulphur-based compounds, which help to regulate the production of bilirubin and increase the flow of bile from the liver to the gallbladder, and into the small intestine. The radish is consequently a natural detoxifier with superb digestive supporting properties.

Radishes make a brilliant crunchy crudité, and can be grated, pickled or sliced into a tasty cabbage and radish slaw. However radishes are particularly delicious blended into a zingy dip or combined with thinly sliced beef, watercress, spring onions and ginger to create a mouth watering Japanese style roll up. 

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

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