vitamin A

Nutrient Spotlight on Vitamin E

What is it important for?

A potent antioxidant -preventing oxidative damage to our cells

Protective against the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

Balancing cholesterol

Improving blood flow

Fertility and gestation

Reducing memory loss in the elderly

Increasing the storage of vitamin A in our body

Reducing inflammation

Hormone balancing

Anti- aging and repairing skin damage

Did you know…...?

Vitamin E is a term used for 8 different nutrients, all of which are dissolved and stored in fat throughout the body.

So how can we include it in our daily diet?

Spinach, asparagus, avocado, sweet potatoes, peas , carrots, tomatoes, bananas, blackberries

Seeds and nuts e.g. sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts

Sesame oil, olive oil, avocado oil

Lima beans, chickpeas

Oatmeal, wheat germ, rye, brown rice

Butter, salmon, beef, egg yolk

An easy vitamin E rich recipe idea...............

Super E Smoothie
Place the following ingredients in to your smoothie maker or blender:
A handful of spinach,
2 handfuls of frozen mixed berries,
Half an avocado,
Approximately 6 chunks of cantaloupe melon or pear, 
1 tablespoons of sunflower seeds,
A large glass of water ( this can be adjusted depending on how thick you like it)
Blitz for approximately 20 seconds 
Pour into a glass and polish off for breakfast!

My weekly ‘Nutrient Spotlight’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

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Spectacular Spinach!

Spinach is bursting with a variety of nutrients which all contribute to its many health benefits. Spinach offers anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer protection in addition to its cardio-vascular, bone and eye protective properties.

The key antioxidants in spinach (vitamin A, C, E and minerals zinc and selenium), can help to reduce excessive inflammation in the body. This can help to reduce the risk of many health conditions including cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Recent research has unveiled a new phytonutrient in spinach which is believed to give anti-inflammatory protection to the lining of the digestive tract. Thus possibly helping to alleviate conditions such as IBS, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. 

Spinach is particularly high in carotenoids which have been shown to have protective properties against progressive prostate cancer. These nutrients are also thought to play a role in preventing eye related problems.

The high vitamin K, calcium and magnesium content of spinach are great for bone health and can therefore help to protect against conditions including osteoporosis.

To cook, lightly steam or boil for 1 minute, add to soups, omelettes, and toss in at the end of a stir fry. Alternatively, try adding spinach to a spicy dhal, superfood salad, or layer up in a veggie lasagne.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

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Classy Cavolo Nero

cavolo nero.jpg

Otherwise known as Tuscan kale, cavolo nero has its own rich, intense flavour. This relative of kale packs a punch in terms of nutrients containing vitamins A, C and K, the minerals calcium, manganese, and iron and a variety of antioxidants.

As with other cruciferous vegetables cavolo nero is rich in sulphur containing phytonutrients. These help the liver to process toxins so that they can be excreted. It is thought that this activity contributes to the vegetable’s anti-tumour properties and may help to prevent a number of cancers.

Early findings suggest that cavolo nero may have neuro-protective effects on people suffering from multiple sclerosis, but further research is needed to identify the mechanisms.

The antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, present in cavolo nero, are especially beneficial for eye health. Research indicates that these nutrients may help to protect against age-related macular degeneration.

This versatile vegetable can be sautéed or steamed, tossed into stir-fries, salads or smoothies. It will especially impress sautéed with onion, rosemary, chilli and garlic to create a delicious, antioxidant boosting dish.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

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Scrumptious Squash

Butternut squash has a distinctive bell like shape, tan coloured skin and rich, sweet, orangey flesh. This winter squash is bursting with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and is therefore an outstanding ingredient for any meal.

Butternut squash is one of the richest sources of alpha and beta carotenes, and is a great source of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. With the addition of high vitamin A content, this vegetable is a valuable food for eye health and offers overall antioxidant protection.

Butternut squash is also thought to have excellent properties for promoting cardio-vascular health. Squash contains a specific starch, fibre and B vitamins which contribute towards its blood sugar regulating properties and maybe beneficial for preventing type 2 diabetes.

Top Tip: Scoop out and separate the seeds (from the pulp), place them on a baking sheet and roast at 60° F for approximately 20 minutes and enjoy them as a healthy snack. The seeds are rich in healthy oils and are an excellent source of tryptophan, which is required to make the ‘happy hormone’ serotonin.

How to eat your butternut squash: Puree, steam, blend, bake, stuff or stew. Or simply roast, cut in half, add a drizzle of olive oil, lemon juice and a dash of tahini and tuck in!

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

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Legendary lettuce

Is lettuce just the base of your salad or the crunch in your sandwich? Surprisingly, lettuce varieties contain a wide range of nutrients and including a combination of these in your diet will offer plenty of health benefits.

Each lettuce variety has its own phytonutrients and these are dictated by the colour pigments they contain. Phytonutrients provide us with unique health properties. For example green leaf lettuce contains quercetin; which can have anti-histamine effects and help prevent heart disease. Red leaves contain cyanidins, which are helpful with conditions such as diabetes and high cholesterol. 

Romaine lettuce is particularly rich in nutrients. It is an excellent source of vitamin K and vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids) and is also rich in folate and molybdenum amongst many others.

The vitamin K content is particularly important for maintaining healthy bones, blood clotting and preventing heart disease. Additionally the carotenoids are vital for promoting eye health, the immune system and normal cell growth and development.

So don’t just use lettuce as a garnish; it is delicious roasted, made in to Asian style wraps, puréed in to a smooth soup or braised with peas, onions and lemon juice.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

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Superb Swede!

Swede is bursting with nutrients and consequently boasts many health properties. Not to be confused with the turnip, swede has yellow or white flesh and is much larger than the turnip.

Swede, like other cruciferous vegetables, is rich in glucosinolates. Studies indicate that these phytonutrients have anti- cancer properties. Swedes are also packed with antioxidants including vitamin C, carotenoids, zinc and manganese. 

The fibre content in swedes helps promote a healthy digestive tract, whilst the magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus content help to support bone health.

Swedes can be eaten raw, grated like a cabbage. Alternatively roast your swede with onions, carrots and sweet potato, add it to soups and stews or mash it into a healthy vegetable ensemble.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics
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K is for Kale!

Kale is one of the richest sources of vitamin K, but it also boasts high vitamin C and vitamin A content, and is packed with a variety of other vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

Vitamin K is vital for bone health and blood clotting. We produce about half of our vitamin K requirement in our gut; however we need to obtain the rest from our diet. The calcium and magnesium content in kale will also contribute to protecting our bones from conditions such as osteoporosis.

Furthermore, kale is leading source of a selection of remarkable glucosinolates. When digested, these special phytonutrients are transformed to anti-cancer compounds by the body.

Before cooking kale, apply some lemon juice to the leaves and let them sit for a few minutes to maximise the health benefits.

Kale can be prepared in a variety of ways; try crunchy kale chips, a crisp kale salad, or a creamy kale risotto.  Alternatively sauté kale, ginger and garlic in to a mouth watering dish or top a broth styled soup with some strips of wilted kale.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

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