weight loss

Emotional eater? Here’s why dieting is not the answer

emotional eating

As someone who works with women who consider themselves to be emotional eaters, I’m asked this question ALL the time. But what defines an emotional eater? And will dieting stop it in it’s tracks?

To some extent we all emotionally eat. During celebrations we might eat some delicious cake when we’re not hungry. Perhaps because it’s a happy event, to be social, connect with people, take joy from the whole experience. It might not have been a conscious decision to eat the cake.

Often, emotional eating isn’t a problem that needs solving. Sometimes we do eat for comfort when we are feeling sad, angry stressed or alone. It is a coping mechanism we can turn to for a sense of solace. Comfort is after all defined as ‘a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint’.

However, emotional eating can be complex. When it becomes our ONLY mechanism for soothing ourselves, and leads to anxiety, obsession, and overwhelm, emotional eating is no longer our friend.

The difficulties occur when it becomes a never-ending cycle, channelling feelings of guilt and shame. Often ‘all or nothing’ thinking is at the heart of this cycle - ever said to yourself “I’ve blown it today so I may as well just carry on”?

Many women battle with this for years of their life and repeatedly turn to dieting to put a stop to it. If this resonates – let me ask you this, is dieting the solution to your emotional eating or the solution to the feelings of contempt you have for your own body?

The problem is that dieting (AKA food restriction) often plays a role in emotional eating or bingeing. The scientific literature explains that there are several complex mechanisms and research is still ongoing. Put simply we know that dieting often leads to food obsession, hunger and intense cravings. Perhaps you are burdened with those relentless thoughts 24/7, that hijack your headspace on a daily basis? Dieting is not the solution but the fuel to the fire.



  • Learning to be able to clear your head of diet thinking and cultivate a new mindset; giving yourself the permission to eat what you love without feeling out of control.

  • Learning to eat in a way that helps you to feel satisfied so that you no longer have cravings

  • Learning to reconnect with your body and know when to start and stop eating

  • Learning to acknowledge your emotions, not push them away and find other, more helpful coping mechanisms.


If perpetual dieting has left you in a muddle about food and eating, and you feel overwhelmed anxious and confused about what, how much and when to eat then have a read of my free resource ‘What the Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know

You can download this HERE to support you on your journey to dismantle your diet mindset and begin the process of breaking free from dieting, binge eating or emotional eating.



Is it a new diet you need?

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I wonder how long you have spent over throughout your life searching for the magic pill when it comes to weight loss? And how much money you have spent on miracle diets that promised to make the weight drop off over night?

If you are someone who has spent a significant amount of time in slimming clubs, slimming programmes or starting again on Monday, you may be beginning to think that something just isn’t working.

It is likely you have been taught the notion that calories in equals calories out, that low carb is better than low fat (or visa versa) or that drinking celery juice is the answer to all your prayers.

The weight loss group mantras seem to be about finding ways to cheat your body. It’s no wonder people lose weight and put it straight back on again.

What the slimming clubs miss is that unless you get to the root of what is going on for you, nothing will change in the long term and your mindset is at the core of this.

One part of this is taking care of your self-care. If you are an emotional eater, no ‘diet’ in the world is going to help you deal with what the REAL issue is – your wonky relationship with food. You need to rewire your food brain, because emotional eating or binge eating are major causes of feeling a diet failure but, unless you get to the underlying causes of the problem, you’re destined to yo-yo diet … forever.

Self-care is the recognition that only YOU can make yourself happy and that, if you make sure that you dedicate some time EVERY DAY purely for your own enjoyment, you will have more joy in your life, be more fun to be around and have far greater reserves to deal with the stresses of everyday life.

The miracle of self-care doesn’t end there. When you dedicate a small amount of time each day to your own happiness, there is less need to reach for the chocolate biscuits. I’m guessing you’re like many of my clients – you are usually so time poor, that rewarding yourself with treat foods like cake and biscuits is the easiest way to show yourself some self-love.

My experience when working with clients has shown me over and over again is that so little of why you eat what you eat has to do with nourishing your body. The greater part is to do with how you feel about yourself and about life in general. Eating half a packet of chocolate biscuits is much easier than getting what you really need, which might be a way to de-stress, feel loved, get attention, relax and even sleep. 

I am sure that you get what I am saying, but this is not enough for the magic to work. Just understanding won’t get you the benefits. You have to be in action.

I promise you that if you make a commitment to yourself, other challenges in your life will start to feel that bit easier. Maybe you need some support with deep rooted struggles; a slave to food, your weight or appearance or worry about every calorie that enters your mouth. Perhaps you’re unable to break free from the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting, binge or emotional eating, I want you to know, you are not alone.

I work with people just like you who need a new approach to gaining balance and moderation around food and eating. And I can help you to take action when you commit to doing something completely different so you can leave dieting behind for good. 

Un-diet your Mind is my new 21 day coaching course where you will unlearn your old food patterns & make new confident choices. I will be with you every step of the way, so you feel supported and motivated to begin the process of long lasting change. Its starting on Monday 1st November

Join my VIP wait list to be the first to be notified when the course goes live and have the chance to enrol at the discounted price!

The course is just £89 and only £69 to the first 15 people who enrol

Is dieting really the answer to emotional eating?

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As someone who works with women who consider themselves to be emotional eaters, I’m asked this question ALL the time. But what defines an emotional eater? And will dieting stop it in it’s tracks?

To some extent we all emotionally eat. During celebrations we might eat some delicious cake when we’re not hungry. Perhaps because it’s a happy event, to be social, connect with people, take joy from the whole experience. It might not have been a conscious decision to eat the cake.

Often, emotional eating isn’t a problem that needs solving. Sometimes we do eat for comfort when we are feeling sad, angry stressed or alone. It is a coping mechanism we can turn to for a sense of solace. Comfort is after all defined as ‘a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint’.

However, emotional eating can be complex. When it becomes our ONLY mechanism for soothing ourselves, and leads to anxiety, obsession, and overwhelm, emotional eating is no longer our friend.

The difficulties occur when it becomes a never-ending cycle, channelling feelings of guilt and shame. Often ‘all or nothing’ thinking is at the heart of this cycle - ever said to yourself “I’ve blown it today so I may as well just carry on”?

Many women battle with this for years of their life and repeatedly turn to dieting to put a stop to it. If this resonates – let me ask you this, is dieting the solution to your emotional eating or the solution to the feelings of contempt you have for your own body?

The problem is that dieting (AKA food restriction) often plays a role in emotional eating or bingeing. The scientific literature explains that there are several complex mechanisms and research is still ongoing. Put simply we know that dieting often leads to food obsession, hunger and intense cravings. Perhaps you are burdened with those relentless thoughts 24/7, that hijack your headspace on a daily basis? Dieting is not the solution but the fuel to the fire.



  • Learning to be able to clear your head of diet thinking and cultivate a new mindset; giving yourself the permission to eat what you love without feeling out of control.

  • Learning to eat in a way that helps you to feel satisfied so that you no longer have cravings

  • Learning to reconnect with your body and know when to start and stop eating

  • Learning to acknowledge your emotions, not push them away and find other, more helpful coping mechanisms.



If perpetual dieting has left you in a muddle about food and eating, and you feel overwhelmed anxious and confused about what, how much and when to eat? I would love to hear from you.

What are your main challenges? What would you love to know and learn? Where do you need support? How would you like to feel?

Your input will help me tailor my content and support for you – just hit reply and let me know :)

I have worked with hundreds of clients who have found themselves fighting this daily battle and I’m working on an exciting new short foundation programme to help you transition to a calm, balanced and joyous approach to eating


P.S. Would you love to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food?

Come and join us in the FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, Facebook community- a safe place where you can question, share, learn + feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. I will be sharing tips, simple recipe, meal, and snack ideas along with strategies, motivation and supportive practices and its free to join!

It’s time to release yourself from the shackles of diet culture + empower yourself to create positive change in your life.



{Myth busting} The truth about calorie counting and weight-loss

How many times have you heard the phrase .....to lose weight you simply need to burn more calories than you consume?

The diet and fitness industry have consistently driven this message home for decades (and it suits their collective bank balance to do so).

But why doesn’t it work in reality? With around 95 out of 100 diets failing in the long term – surely there is something that does not quite add up?

The simple truth is it is not so simple - Yes- a calorie is still a calorie, but not every calorie behaves the same way inside the body.

Our food sources are made up of a vast variety of compounds and substances, that interplay with our biology in so many ways, these extend way beyond just energy values.

Weight management is not like your bank account.

It is a complex interaction between hormones (e.g., thyroid, sex, appetite and fat storage), brain chemicals, the gut ecosystem, energy requirements, fuel source availability, genes and hundreds of other variables, all interconnecting.

Let’s take 300 calories worth of cake and 300 calories worth of cauliflower for example.

A calorie is a unit of energy so they must be the same right?

But do you think that same calorie of cake will impact our biology in the same way that cauliflower does?

In order for your metabolism to work properly, your body must not be deprived of any food group. If you find yourself avoiding any of the food groups based on the sum of their calories, you’ll likely be missing out on key nutrients, critical for your metabolism to function at its best.

The body also needs enough food, to sustain efficient functioning of your metabolism. Your subconscious brain will do everything it can to control how much fat your body stores. If you undereat because you are restricting your calorie intake, then your basal metabolic rate (BMR) will be switched downwards – slowing down your metabolism and the rate and which it burns energy. This is something you may be able to override for a short period of time i.e. during the honeymoon period of a diet, but ultimately for most people this will not be long lasting.

The key is to understand how your body works in order to overcome society’s deeply ingrained belief that we simply must eat less and exercise more. This thinking merely serves to promote a diet mindset that leads to destructive thinking and harmful eating behaviours.

Would you love to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food?

If you would like to understand more about the ways to maintain a healthy metabolism, eat in a balanced way, stay motivated and be part of a supportive community then come and join us in the FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, Facebook community- a safe place where you can question, share, learn + feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. I will be sharing tips, simple recipe, meal, and snack ideas along with strategies, motivation and supportive practices and its free to join!

It’s time to release yourself from the shackles of diet culture + empower yourself to create positive change in your life.

Could this be your missing weight-loss puzzle piece?

I wonder how long you have spent over the course of your life searching for the magic pill when it comes to weight loss? And how much money you have spent on miracle products that promised to make the weight drop off over night – or at least not make the business of losing weight seem so tricky?  

If you are someone who has spent a significant amount of times in slimming clubs, what you should know is that almost certainly you have been taught to eat the wrong things. And the community mindset seems to be about finding ways to cheat the diet. It’s no wonder people lose weight and put it straight back on again. Of course, actually eating the right things will help you lose the weight naturally, without calorie counting. And eating the way I show my clients, has them naturally wanting to eat the foods that will love their body rather than deciding to seek solace in a bag of chocolate buttons!

What the slimming clubs miss is the vital mindset element of losing weight. Part of that is taking care of your self-care. If you are an emotional eater, no ‘diet’ in the world is going to help you deal with what the REAL issue is – your wonky relationship with food. You need to rewire your food brain, because emotional eating or binge eating are major causes of diet failure but, unless you get to the root of the problem, you’re destined to yo-yo diet … forever.

Self care is the recognition that only YOU can make yourself happy and that, if you make sure that you dedicate some time EVERY DAY purely for your own enjoyment, you will have more fun, you will be more fun and you will have far greater reserves to deal with the stresses of everyday life.

The miracle of self care doesn’t end there. When you dedicate a small amount of time each day to your own happiness, there is less need to reach for the chocolate biscuits. I’m guessing you’re like many of my clients – you are usually so time poor, that rewarding yourself with treat foods like cake and biscuits is the easiest way to show yourself some self love. However, during these unprecedented times (unless of course you are a key worker) you can give yourself the gift of time to really focus on your self care and health.

My experience in running a nutrition clinic is that so little of why you eat what you eat has to do with nourishing your body. The greater part is to do with how you feel about yourself and about life in general. Eating half a packet of chocolate biscuits is much easier than working out or getting – what you really need, which might be a way to de-stress, feel loved, get attention, relax and even sleep. 

I am sure that you get what I am saying, but this is not enough for the magic to work. Just understanding won’t get you the benefits. You have to be in action. Are you doing AT LEAST three things EVERY DAY just because they make you happy? 

Self care is a skill and it is a discipline. It is something that can be very easy to do (which is why it is something you often don’t bother to do). So, this week’s challenge: make a list of at least 20 things (even really frivolous things) that you LOVE to do just because they bring you pleasure.  Some take hardly any time; some take a little longer. You don’t have to spend long for this to be effective. You have to write them down, too. Just thinking about them is not enough.

I know from working with my clients that coming up with a list can feel difficult to start with. That’s why I’m offering you this little bit of inspiration: a printable self care planner packed with ideas to get you started. You will also need to keep your list somewhere handy so it is easy to turn to for inspiration.

I promise you that if you make a commitment to yourself, other challenges in your life will start to feel that bit easier. Maybe you need some support with deep rooted struggles; a slave to food, your weight or appearance or  worry about every calorie that enters your mouth. Perhaps  you’re unable to break free from the endless cycle of yo- yo dieting, binge eating or constantly overeating, I want you to know, you are not alone.

I work with people just like you who need a new approach to gaining balance and moderation in their life. I will help you to take back control without feeling deprived or hungry. My signature one to one programme (which I am currently running via video call sessions) is designed to help you shed the layers of shame and guilt and be able to accept yourself. You will discover how to make sense of what your brain and body are going through, feel supported and empowered.

Please book in a complimentary call HERE to see how I can help.

Click to down load

Click here to download your free planner

How to make a healthy version of this classic takeaway favourite......


Ditch the takeaway and make this super-healthy pizza instead! It makes a fabulous weekend meal for all the family- simple to throw together and tasty too!

This recipe was taken from my next 28 day- Online Nutrition and Lifestyle Programme starting on 16th June. I’m offering a special early bird price of £49 until 12th June. Thereafter price will be £59.

For more information or to book click here: http://marcellerosenutrition.co.uk/shop/summer-shape-up-28-day-nutrition-and-lifestyle-programme


Summer Shape Up 28 Day Online Nutrition and Lifestyle Programme

Would you like to establish healthy habits , restore energy levels, reset your metabolism and reduce cravings ?

There’s no deprivation, restriction or  calorie counting – just tasty, simple, easy-to-prepare, meal options in a 46-page meal plan, that you can follow from the comfort of your own home.

✅ This is a 28-day eating plan based on real, unprocessed whole foods, low starchy carbohydrates, good complex carbohydrates, lean protein and  healthy fats. NO calorie, or points counting allowed!

✅ Easy to prepare meals that are family friendly.

✅ Accessible anytime, anywhere via a private Facebook group this is a virtual plan that you can manage to suit your busy schedule.

✅ Health questionnaire at the beginning and completion of the plan to assess progress.

✅ Exclusive online access through a private Facebook group to nutritional advice and support from Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach, Marcelle Rose

✅ Daily nutrition and lifestyle tips on digestion, cravings, sleep and more!

✅ Facebook live Q&A's to answer questions and deal with any challenges

✅ A programme support pack including a flexible meal planner, shopping list and recipes.

✅ Digital book of recipes/meal plans: can be used on a smartphone, tablet or print out.

✅ Member of a supportive private Facebook group.

✅ Your investment: £59 (early bird Price £49 if booked by 12th June)

What previous participants have said:

“I’ve felt mentally and physically better, had more energy and lost weight. I’m happy now that I know what I need to do to get over cravings - I’d been really struggling in the evenings and have felt so much better on the programme. Your meal plans had just the right amount of variety without overwhelming me with too much choice. I can look at healthier eating as not just normal eating less the tasty things but as replacing food that doesn’t make me feel good with food that does. I finally made some fit fudge as an occasional treat to celebrate! I’m sure the test will come now but remembering the 80/20 rule. Thank you!

“I just wanted to say a big thank you Marcelle Rose. I’d been struggling to lose the last of my baby weight and as a tired and busy Mum I had lost the motivation to make good food choices. You’ve given me inspiration, some new knowledge and great recipes which all the family can enjoy.”

“I love the recipes you provided and I have definitely come out of my comfort zone in terms of cooking”

“Thanks so much Marcelle. Have discovered some new family favourites (we all loved the healthy fish and chips last night) and reset my eating pattern for sure.”

“Since doing the challenge, I have definitely become more mindful of how I eat in general and I loved being part of a 'support' group. I have made some lasting, simple changes.

Marcelle is great. Organised, professional, approachable, she offers loads of guidance, motivation and is always close by for support.”

“Before starting the programme, my eating pattern was generally ok though it was carb heavy which often left me feeling sluggish & bloated. Now I have more energy and I am less sluggish. I am most happy about my weight loss. My advice to others thinking about doing the plan is just do it, it’s money well spent as you will see the results pretty quickly!”

“I've really enjoyed the challenge and learning more about how my body has reacted to the change. I feel so good, more energy and a little boost in confidence, having lost some weight and inches. Have loved the recreating the recipes and I know that I will continue following the plan when I'm at home but allow myself to relax if I'm out.”

“It's definitely worth it!!! I lost over half a stone and inches on my waist!!!”


Anyone, female or male, who is interested in improving their overall health and energy and getting ready for the summer. This works for those busy juggling ‘life’; recipes are family friendly so there is no need to cook different meals for other family members and the programme fits nicely around work schedules too!

You may be interested in nutrition but not quite ready to commit to a full nutrition programme. You may feel that you are generally healthy or have already completed a nutrition programme and need some additional support to keep you on track.

For more information or to book click here: http://marcellerosenutrition.co.uk/shop/summer-shape-up-28-day-nutrition-and-lifestyle-programme

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