Why Go Organic?


I had the pleasure of visiting the Field to Fork Organics headquarters recently. I write their weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ so it was great to see the fresh produce coming in ready to be packed.

The majority of items are seasonal and locally sourced; consequently the produce is exceptionally fresh and retains many of its nutrients. Furthermore, buying into an organic vegetable box scheme will benefit the local economy and help to reduce carbon emissions.

As a Nutritional Therapist, I am often asked if organic food is really more beneficial for our health or just a marketing ploy to rip us off!  Well, organic produce is often more expensive. However, the method of growing means that organic crops are allowed to grow at their natural rate in mineral rich soils and as a consequence studies have shown that the antioxidant levels are substantially higher in organically grown crops.

Farming methods have changed since days gone by. Conventionally grown crops, are now intensively farmed to create high crop yields at a low cost using artificial fertilizers and other methods to speed up growth. As a result our soils are now pesticide rich and nutrient poor.

Alarmingly, studies have indicated that cadmium (the toxic metal) and pesticide residues are found to be significant in non organic crops. Pesticides contain a potent cocktail of toxic chemicals. One of these chemicals, organophosphorus has been associated with developmental problems in children including autism and ADHD. Additionally, the World Health Organisation claims that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the world’s most widely used herbicide, is probably carcinogenic.

Organic meats and poultry are not treated with antibiotics and growth hormones, a common place practise in conventionally reared meat. Unfortunately, we really don’t know the long term effects of these substances when we consume them in our food.

Nonetheless, not everyone agrees with these findings. Conflicting information can be found, but it is always worth checking who has financed the research! 

Top Tip

Check out the ‘Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen’ list to find the worst pesticide residue offenders. (And the 15 cleanest).  This way you can prioritise the vegetables and fruits on this list to buy organic.   https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/

 If you are interested in reading my ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk and like my Facebook page athttps://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

Tagged: organicpestacidesherbicidesorganic vegetable box scheme,cadmiumorganophosphorusglyphosatedirty dozenclean fifteen

Would you like to get some energy back and feel like your old self?

To mark the opening of my new clinic in Utopia, East Finchley, I am offering 5 complementary 20 minute face to face consultations.

You will leave with some simple energy boosting diet and lifestyle tips  that can be put into practise straight away.

These special one-to- one complementary sesssions are available for a limited time only on Thursdays 2- 6pm

To book your place contact me here www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk/contact/

Please do forward this on to someone you think will benefit from this opportunity.


'Kicking the Sugar Habit' Talk Wednesday 22nd June in East Finchley/Muswell Hill


Would you like to know how to identify hidden sugars in food, practical tips on how to reduce your child's sugar intake and discover the impact sugar can have on their well-being, behaviour and mood?

Join me for an interactive talk where there will be plenty of opportunity to ask those burning questions! 

Tomorrow evening at 8pm at Eden Primary School, London N10 East Finchley/ Muswell Hill

Click the link below to book your place



What's so special about courgette?

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Courgette also known as zucchini is a member of the summer squash family. It has some amazing health benefits; helping to balance blood sugar levels, supports eye health and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Recent studies have indicated that courgette is one of the riches sources of a number of health supporting carotenoids. The skin of the courgette is particularly packed with these nutrients which are especially beneficial for eye health.

Nutrients including folate, choline, zinc and magnesium and vitamins B6, B1, B2 and B3 all contribute to the blood sugar balancing benefits of courgette. Additionally, courgette is high in dietary fibre and the seeds contain omega 3 fatty acids, which further enhance these properties. By aiding insulin regulation, this combination of nutrients may offer protection against diabetes.

Courgette contains excellent levels of the mineral manganese and high levels of vitamin C which contribute to its antioxidant benefits. The omega3 fatty acids in the seeds provide anti-inflammatory benefits especially notable for the gastro-intestinal tract and cardio-vascular system.

Courgette is extremely versatile and can be grated onto salads, pureed into a creamy vegetable soup or used in chunks in a ratatouille or minestrone soup. It can be tossed into a frittata, used as courgette ribbons instead of pasta or sliced into crudités to serve with a tahini dip. Steaming or healthy sautéing in water helps retain most of the courgette’s fantastic nutrients.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

Amazing Asparagus

For centuries asparagus has been consumed for medicinal purposes due to its array of wonderful health properties. Asparagus is a fantastic source of antioxidants and carries a unique range of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Asparagus provides superb digestive support. It is one of a few vegetables (including chicory and artichokes) that contain inulin. This special type of fibre passes undigested through to our large intestine and provides food for our beneficial bacteria. This will allow our healthy bacteria to flourish and consequently strengthen our immune system and optimise digestive health.

Asparagus is an outstanding food for heart health and blood sugar balancing. Its unique combination of anti-inflammatory phytonutrients and antioxidants help to reduce the risk of these chronic health conditions and provide anti- cancer properties.

Additionally, the B vitamins and choline play an important role in the breakdown of starches and sugars, aiding the regulation of blood sugar. Furthermore, these particular nutrients contribute to a healthy heart by reducing our homocysteine levels. (High levels of this substance can be a risk factor to heart disease.)

Asparagus can be enjoyed in a host of ways; in salads, stir-fries and frittatas; steamed and topped with a poached egg, blended into a soup or simply combined with gorgonzola and hazelnuts to create a delicious aromatic risotto.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/


Astonishing Apples


‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’; Fact or myth? Read on to see why there are plenty of truths to this old wives’ tale!

Apples provide fantastic cardio-vascular support. Not only does the soluble fibre known as pectin help to reduce blood pressure, but it also supports the balance of blood sugar levels. This is achieved by promoting insulin release and at the same time reducing the absorption of glucose into the blood stream.

Pectin will also help to promote a healthy digestive system. It is used by the healthy bacteria to sooth the walls of the gut and can help with diarrhoea.

Apples provide exceptional antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support. Quercetin, one of the best known anti-oxidants in apples, is particularly rich in the apple skins. Quercetin has been associated with a reduced risk of asthma and lung cancer, however researchers believe there may be other mechanisms at work in apples to contribute to these findings.

There are endless ways to cook with apples; Chuck them into a smoothie, juice with carrots and ginger, spruce up a salad or stuff with dried fruit and bake in the oven. But for the best healthy treat; slice the apple, spread with almond nut butter, sprinkle mixed seeds and a pinch of cinnamon and devour!

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk and like my Facebook page athttps://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/


Year 7 talk - An Overview for Parents

How will healthy eating benefit you?

Feel good, energy, mood, skin & hair, teeth, how your brain worksintelligence , concentration, memory, perform better in sport, muscles, bones, strengthen your immune system, help you to keep well in the long term.

Think of your body like a car!

Want it to be running smoothly without breaking down,  engine to work well, well oiled, enough water, the right fuel, shiny , no rust,

Our body needs the right kind of fuel and energy to keep us going, plenty of water , the right oils, the right vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to keep everything running well – all effects our tissue muscles, organs, bones , all of our cells and our brain.


How can too much sugar affect us?

Energy levels (blood sugar rush, and then crash), effect mood, concentration, sleep (if have too near bedtime) stress levels, tooth decay, lead too diabetes, problems with our blood vessels and obesity and very addictive!

Should be having at the most 6 teaspoons a day! (Use the Sugar Smart App to find hidden sugars in foods)

Everything ending in ‘ose’ is a sugar: e.g. glucose, fructose, maltose, and dextrose – look for this on food packet ingredients.


The difference between ‘white’ carbohydrates and wholegrains?

White carbohydrates have had the fibre removed – fibre (found fruit veg and wholegrains) slows down the release of the sugar from the carbohydrate in to our blood stream. As with sugar, white carbohydrates will offer a short burst of energy followed by a sugar crash! Additionally minerals and vitamins are removed as part of the refining of these grains.

Go for whole grains like wholemeal bread, wholegrain pasta, brown rice, porridge oats, quinoa, barley, buckwheat etc


Why is protein so important for us?

Muscles –very important for sport, enzymes, antibodies, body tissue, neurotransmitters (the chemical messages in our brains) etc so important for our body to function properly

Important to have protein with every meal – especiallystarting the day with protein will stops sugar craving and keeps as feeling fuller for longer along with fibre.

Essential oils/ fats

Brain – 30% of the dry weight of our brain is made of this. Within the brain our cells called neurons- all interconnect and messages are sent from one to another. The point from where one message is sent to another is made of these fats. Each brain cells and nerve in your body is also coated in these fats to help them work properly.

Found in oily fish 2 times a week ideally; salmon mackerel sardines anchovies, herring week,

Seeds and nuts

These fats can affect if we feel down, concentration and memory and even intelligence

Other good oils such as olive oil and avocado oil and avocados also help keep our skin and hair healthy.

Fats -The ones to avoid

Trans fats – processed foods like cakes and biscuits with very long use by dates and margarine –Fats in Deep fried foods – e.g. KFC, chips etc

All stop us from being able to use the good fats we get from our diet and can cause heart disease and other health problems.

Eating a rainbow of vegetables and fruit

Important to try to eat at least one veg or fruit from each colour group a day.

Each colour group has its own special antioxidants (as well as vitamins and minerals)

All keep you looking good, keep your immune system strong, help to prevent lots of diseases including cancer

Contains lots of fibre

The vitamins and minerals help to keep your body working well

Soon to be Teenagers!

As teenagers your own skeleton is going through a massive change and will therefore need extra nutrients to support your bone growth: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D.

Muscles development: protein, zinc and iron

Energy synthesis: B vitamins

Girls need more iron than boys to replace menstrual losses.

If you are interested in reading more top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at the bottom of this page and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

Beautiful Beetroot

Beetroot belongs to the chenopod family and along with other family members (including chard, spinach and quinoa) it does not fail in terms of its super nutritious benefits. Beetroot is a valuable source of folate, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium and vitamin C.

In addition, beetroot has unique pigments which function as both anti oxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Researchers are beginning to look into whether these nutrients can reduce tumour growth in cancer and though in early stages, there have been encouraging results.

Preliminary studies also indicate that the unique mix of nutrients can help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes. The B complex vitamin choline in beetroot has also been shown to reduce inflammation with regards to cardiovascular disease.

Additionally, the special pigments in beetroot are thought to help stimulate detoxification activity, consequently aiding the removal of toxins from the body.

Beetroot contains a special type of dietary fibre (as with carrots) that is particularly beneficial to our digestive tract and will offer further cardio vascular support.

Don’t forget to make use of the beetroot’s green leaves which are also highly nutritious. Beet greens are especially high in the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin which are fantastic for eye health.

Beetroots need to be cooked delicately to retain these amazing nutrients. They can be lightly steamed and tossed in a salad with olive oil, lemon juice and goats cheese. Alternatively, this magnificent vegetable can be roasted, juiced, grated raw in to salads and blended in to soup.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/


Wonderful Wild Garlic


Wild garlic is more delicately flavoured than its conventional counterpart, with triangular shaped stems and leaves which resemble those of lily-of-the-valley. It has all the outstanding health benefits of cultivated garlic and more!  It’s hard to believe that some farmers’ still consider this plant a pesky weed when top chefs are serving it up in Michelin stared restaurants!

Wild garlic is particularly beneficial for cardiovascular health. It’s has anti-diabetic properties by helping to regulate blood sugar, it can reduce total cholesterol levels whilst increasing the healthy HDL cholesterol and it can reduce total triglyceride levels in the blood (all markers for cardio vascular disease). Recent research also suggests that wild garlic has even better blood pressure lowering properties than conventional garlic.

Further research suggests that the leaves of wild garlic may additionally offer anti- cancer protection.

Wild garlic can be used in almost any meal to create a wonderful aroma and flavour. It is particularly delicious in risotto, stir fries and chopped into omelettes. To promote it’s health benefits further, chop the wild garlic and leave it to sit for a few minutes before adding this culinary delight to the finished dish and serve up.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter atwww.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk


Perfect ....Purple Sprouting Broccoli

Purple sprouting broccoli has a more robust, sweet, earthy flavour than green broccoli varieties. Research indicates that the purple sprouting variety has even higher levels of the special compounds known as phytonutrients than green broccoli. These nutrients provide many of broccoli’s outstanding health benefits.

Broccoli is bursting with antioxidants, with high levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, manganese and zinc. Additionally it is packed with phytonutrients from the flavonoid and carotenoid groups. These antioxidants help to reduce oxidative stress in the body which results in lower inflammation and can help to reduce the risk of cancer.

Furthermore, purple sprouting broccoli contains high levels of glucosinolates, which are converted by the body to a substance vital for the excretion of toxins.

Purple sprouting broccoli has a delicate taste which works well in recipes with salty and tangy flavours. Be sure to include anchovies, capers, soy or lemon in your broccoli recipes. Add to omelettes, stir fries and soups or dip the florets (raw or steamed) in to a lemony tahini dressing for a healthy tasty treat.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter atwww.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk


Scrumptious Squash

Butternut squash has a distinctive bell like shape, tan coloured skin and rich, sweet, orangey flesh. This winter squash is bursting with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and is therefore an outstanding ingredient for any meal.

Butternut squash is one of the richest sources of alpha and beta carotenes, and is a great source of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. With the addition of high vitamin A content, this vegetable is a valuable food for eye health and offers overall antioxidant protection.

Butternut squash is also thought to have excellent properties for promoting cardio-vascular health. Squash contains a specific starch, fibre and B vitamins which contribute towards its blood sugar regulating properties and maybe beneficial for preventing type 2 diabetes.

Top Tip: Scoop out and separate the seeds (from the pulp), place them on a baking sheet and roast at 60° F for approximately 20 minutes and enjoy them as a healthy snack. The seeds are rich in healthy oils and are an excellent source of tryptophan, which is required to make the ‘happy hormone’ serotonin.

How to eat your butternut squash: Puree, steam, blend, bake, stuff or stew. Or simply roast, cut in half, add a drizzle of olive oil, lemon juice and a dash of tahini and tuck in!

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter atwww.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk

Legendary lettuce

Is lettuce just the base of your salad or the crunch in your sandwich? Surprisingly, lettuce varieties contain a wide range of nutrients and including a combination of these in your diet will offer plenty of health benefits.

Each lettuce variety has its own phytonutrients and these are dictated by the colour pigments they contain. Phytonutrients provide us with unique health properties. For example green leaf lettuce contains quercetin; which can have anti-histamine effects and help prevent heart disease. Red leaves contain cyanidins, which are helpful with conditions such as diabetes and high cholesterol. 

Romaine lettuce is particularly rich in nutrients. It is an excellent source of vitamin K and vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids) and is also rich in folate and molybdenum amongst many others.

The vitamin K content is particularly important for maintaining healthy bones, blood clotting and preventing heart disease. Additionally the carotenoids are vital for promoting eye health, the immune system and normal cell growth and development.

So don’t just use lettuce as a garnish; it is delicious roasted, made in to Asian style wraps, puréed in to a smooth soup or braised with peas, onions and lemon juice.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter atwww.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk

Splendid Celery

Celery is often thought of as a crunchy low calorie option due to its high water content. However, this veggie is bursting with numerous vitamins and minerals including molybdenum folate, potassium, manganese, B vitamins and vitamin K. It is also rich in a range of antioxidants and this combination of nutrients can provide us with many surprising health benefits.

The special and varied phytonutrients in celery provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant protection. New research suggests that some of these phytonutrients actually help to reduce certain inflammatory molecules in the blood, helping to reduce unwanted inflammation in the body.

The anti-inflammatory protection can be particularly helpful in the digestive tract. The pectin based, non-starchy substances contained within celery, protect the digestive tract against inflammation and new research suggests that these substances may decrease the risk of stomach ulcers.

There are specific nutrients in celery that can provide cardiovascular benefits. These nutrients are believed to help our blood vessel walls relax. Consequently the blood vessels may be more flexible and able to enlarge, helping to maintain low blood pressure.

Tip: Make use of the celery leaves as they contain the most calcium, potassium and vitamin C. However use the leaves within 2 days in order to avoid them wilting.

Celery can be thinly sliced and steamed to make celery spaghetti and it is great as crunchy crudités dipped in nut butter, tahini or hummus.  Conversely, this fantastic veggie is just as delightful in chicken or minestrone soup, chopped in to salads, stir fried, roasted, braised or juiced!

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk

Super Sweet Potato

These magnificent vegetables are delicious, versatile and packed with nutrients  including vitamins C, B5, B6,and minerals manganese and copper to name but a few. However, the sweet potato is most notable for its exceptionally high beta-carotene content which provides us with over 100% of our daily beta-carotene requirements!
The beta-carotene and vitamin C content are particularly beneficial for our eye health, decreasing the risk of macular degeneration (AMD).Both are powerful antioxidants that can inhibit the detrimental effects of free radicals and help to optimise immune function.

The high fibre content of the sweet potato can help to keep blood sugar balanced. In addition, recent research suggests that sweet potato can increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone produced by our fat cells. This hormone aids insulin utilisation and can help to reduce the risk of the development of diabetes.
Steaming sweet potato, allows for optimum retention of nutrients and the inclusion of a little good fat, such as a drizzle of olive oil, can improve the absorption of beta-carotene.
Sweet potatoes are fabulous roasted and sweet potato wedges are always a winner with the kids! Simply enjoyed baked in the oven (like a baked potato), sweet potatoes can also be blended into soups and chopped into stews. You can even try sweet potato muffins to add a sweet, savoury mouth watering touch to any meal.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk

Fabulous Fennel

Fennel plants at the market 

Fennel contains a myriad of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients and has countless health benefits. Furthermore, it has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy for congestion, digestive problems and to promote breast milk flow, menstruation and urine flow. 

Clinical studies have indicated that the phytonutrient anethole has anti-cancer properties and can reduce inflammation. The research found that anethole inhibits the promotion of a harmful molecule which can alter genes and cause inflammation. 

Fennel promotes bone health due to it’s combination of iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and manganese. Fennel’s potassium, calcium and magnesium composition can help to lower blood pressure and the fibre content will help to reduce cholesterol levels. Heart disease is associated with elevated levels of the molecule homocysteine in the body, however, fennel’s folate content can help to prevent it’s build up.
Fennel consists of a crunchy white bulb, pale green stalks and feathery green leaves from which flowers grow and where the seeds are found.
All parts of the fennel can be used in your cooking. The stalks are a delicious addition to a soup base or stock .They can be sautéed with fennel leaves and onions. Additionally, the leaves can add a subtle liquorice aroma to many a dish. The seeds can spice up any meal, be brewed as herbal drink or just chewed to promote good digestion. The bulb can be chopped into salads, steamed, sautéed or roasted as a delicious starter or side.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk

My Top 5 Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips ( to implement in January and forever! )

It’s the beginning of the New Year and many of us want to make health resolutions we just can't stick to. So rather than opting for the latest fad diet (which is just not sustainable), try making lifestyle changes that will optimise your health and well-being for the long term. If these simple changes become part of the way you lead your life, they won’t feel like a chore. 

1.    Remember the 80/20 rule.
Stick to clean, non-processed, whole foods 80% of the time. We are talking vegetables, fruit, fish, lean grass fed meats, organic poultry, whole grains, nuts and seeds. By making your meals from scratch you will avoid unnecessary added sugar, salt, hydrogenated fat and nasty additives that are required to make all processed foods. Try making a new healthy recipe every week to build up your repertoire – maybe ask your kids to select a new recipe and get them to help! 

2.   ‘Eat a rainbow’ every day
By ensuring you eat at least five vegetables and fruits from every colour group every day, (more vegetables than fruit) you will optimise your vitamin, mineral an antioxidant intake. Ensure you are having more vegetables than fruit due to the higher natural sugar content of fruit. Colour groups are yellow/ orange, blue/purple, red/pink, white and green. Veggies don’t have to be a bland accompaniment to a meal. Experiment with textures, tastes and colour. Use herbs and spices to jazz up the flavour. There are countless cooking methods that will enhance your enjoyment of the humble vegetable: sauté, stir fry, steam, mash, blend and roast, you name it!

3. Check your vitamin D levels
Vitamin D deficiency is thought to affect between 40-70 % of people worldwide. We are unable to make vitamin D from the sun between the months of November and February in the UK and only a few foods such as butter, eggs and oily fish naturally contain small amounts of vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with numerous health problems including autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, cancer, type 2 diabetes and depression. Ask your GP for a vitamin D test or you can do a test privately by contacting a registered qualified nutritional therapist. Supplementation of Vitamin D3 is easy and necessary for many people.

4. Keep on moving!
Make sure you're not sitting down for longer than 20 minutes at a time during the day, even if it means standing up and moving around for just a minute. New research suggests that sitting for long periods is a serious health risk even for the fittest amongst you.

5. Incorporate exercise into your day
It doesn't necessarily mean taking out expensive gym memberships. Go for a brisk walk (at least 30 minutes of continuous walking), take the stairs where ever possible, cycle to work, run around the block or try some restorative exercise such as yoga or Pilates. Arrange to meet a friend on a weekly basis so that you can motivate each other. It’s important to make it manageable and realistic.

Remember to make your changes manageable and realistic and make them for life rather than just a few weeks.

You can contact me for more information on vitamin D testing at email@marcellerosenutrition.co.uk or 07961 166582. If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk

Upcoming Talks and Workshops

Upcoming Talks and Workshops

Conquer Sugar Cravings Naturally– Date to be announced shortly

Are you a sugar addict? Do you constantly crave sweet food? Do you have regular energy slumps during the day? Do you feel tired all the time?
In my specialised workshop you will learn how to balance your blood sugar naturally, learn strategies and tips for ditching sugar and go home with some great healthy food ideas.

Children’s Nutrition and Health Talk – Date to be announced shortly (for Brookland School parents only)
Do you have a fussy eater? Are you desperate for some key strategies to get your kids eating well? Would you like some solid advice on what your children should be eating and what to avoid? This talk will cover a range of topics on children’s nutrition and health and there will be plenty of time for those burning questions!

Contact me for further details or if you would like to arrange a private talk or workshop in your school, business or amongst your friends.

Captivating Cabbage!

Cabbage has countless health promoting nutrients and many are shared with other Brassica family vegetables including kale and broccoli. However, cabbage also has its own distinctive nutrients and properties.

Savoy cabbages are particularly rich in the nutrient sinigrin. This has unique anti-cancer properties and is particularly associated with fighting bladder, colon and prostate cancers.

Additionally, cabbage can assist in lowering cholesterol. Specific components of the cabbage fibre, bind with bile acids in our gastrointestinal tract. This promotes bile excretion which as a result lowers cholesterol.

It has long been recognised that cabbage juice helps to heal stomach ulcers. Cabbage is rich in glutamine which helps to heal the lining of the stomach and digestive tract. However, there are other special phytonutrients in cabbage that help to regulate the amount of H. pylori bacteria in the stomach. When populations of this bacterium become too large, the H. pylori can latch on to the stomach lining, which can lead to the development of stomach ulcers.

In order to maximise the health benefits of cabbage, use the steaming or healthy sauté method (i.e. sauté with a little water, broth or stock). To promote the cabbage’s healthful enzyme activity, chop the cabbage and let it sit for 5 minutes before consuming or cooking. However, if you wish to benefit from cabbage’s high vitamin C content, wash and cut just before consumption!

To enjoy, shred in to an Asian salad with onion, coriander, chilli and cashews, add to soups, stews and stir fries or stuff the leaves – Russian style. Alternatively you can ferment your cabbage into some wonderful therapeutic sauerkraut.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk


Awesome Artichokes

Jerusalem artichokes are the fleshy, bumpy, root vegetables not to be confused with the edible flowering globe artichoke. Known also as the sunchoke, sunroot and earthapple this tuber vegetable is rich in nutrients and has wonderful health promoting properties.

The Jerusalem artichoke is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fibre providing protection against gut problems including colon cancer. In addition, this vegetable contains a unique type of carbohydrate in the form of inulin. This substance passes undigested in the gut, all the way down to our large intestine, where it becomes a great source of food for our probiotic bacteria. Allowing these beneficial bacteria to flourish in the gut is vital for both our immune system and digestive health.

The Jerusalem artichoke contains many minerals however it is particularly rich in iron, which is essential for the delivery of oxygen to every cell within your body. Furthermore, the high potassium content in Jerusalem artichokes can help to maintain normal blood pressure and will also help our muscles to work effectively.

The artichoke is particularly versatile; it can be eaten raw in salads, mashed, roasted, sautéed, steamed or stir fried. It is also delicious in soups and stews.

Top tip; Place the cut pieces of Jerusalem artichokes in a bowl of cold water and lemon juice to prevent them from browning when exposed to the air.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk