yo yo dieting

Why you are not a calorie machine

For many people who come to me for help, calories weigh heavily on their mind. They are relentlessly worrying over what they should or shouldn't eat, often influenced by misguided beliefs about calorie counts and the inaccurate metrics found on food packaging labels.

For decades we have been conditioned to view ourselves as a calorie machine -lead to believe that achieving a calorie deficit, will grant us control over our body size, weight and shape. This notion is not only false but perpetuates the idea that we are to blame for not meeting society’s unrealistic body standards. It leads to feelings of guilt and shame, causing low self-worth and unnecessarily harm.

Contrary to the diet culture narrative that calories in equals calories out, our bodies are far more complex and dynamic, with numerous factors influencing weight control beyond simple calorie intake and expenditure.

The fact is we all require significantly different amounts of energy. For each individual, this will vary from day to day and from person to person will depend on their age, height, weight, gender, lifestyle and many other factors. Even two people of the same height and age may have vastly different calorie needs.

To understand this further let’s looks at how your body spends its calories:

  • The energy you need to stay alive uses approximately 60% of your daily calories and depends on the amount of muscle and fat you have, your age, gender and genetics. Your thirty-seven trillion cells are hard at work, allowing your heart to beat, your body to breath, producing hormones and growing and repairing cells, for example. This takes a huge amount of work and energy!

  • You burn around 10% of your daily calories to process your food (yes, that much to digest and absorb nutrients!) and this depends on the amount you eat, the type of food and your genes.

  • Your daily activity uses in the region of 15-30% of your daily calories. This will depend on the type, duration and intensity of activity and your body weight. There are many advantages to exercising but going to the gym to compensate for eating a ‘forbidden’ food is not a helpful strategy. It is always better to eat a balanced diet without depriving yourself of essential nutrients and exercise moderately.

  • And although your liver and brain make up only a small part of your body weight; they each account for one fifth of the calories you need to stay alive.

Notably, calories from different foods have different effects on your body – impacting your satiety levels, insulin response, fat storage and overall energy expenditure. Hence fixating on counting calories proves futile, as it overlooks these many significant factors.

The solution lies in cultivating a healthy relationship with food, adding variety in to your diet and allowing eating to become a positive and nourishing experience.

I support women who are exhausted by the relentless cycle of calorie counting, food anxiety, and weight fluctuations, and who are eager to foster a positive relationship with food and their body. If you're ready to bid farewell to yo-yo dieting, binge eating, disordered or emotional eating once and for all, and embark on a journey of lasting transformation, I warmly invite you to book in a complimentary consultation with me HERE. Together, we can explore if a personalised one-on-one programme is the right fit for you and how I can help.


If the idea of tackling your eating patterns feels overwhelming and you're unsure of where to begin, take a look at my FREE guide Breaking the Cycle - Your First Steps to Healing Your Relationship with Food to kickstart your journey today

This invaluable resource will help you:

✔️Know when you’re really hungry and when you’re not

✔️Learn when to eat that’s best for you

✔️Know the best snacks to help you stop craving and feeling out of control

Is Losing Weight the Key to your Happiness?

Are you constantly striving to attain a smaller body? For many people, this preoccupation consumes their thoughts and impacts many aspects of their life. If this is something you have been battling with, have you ever considered if shrinking your body will genuinely make you happy?

 For many of my clients who struggle with their relationship with food and their body, this question resonates deeply. They begin to peel away layers of societal conditioning, personal insecurities, and the relentless pressure to conform to unrealistic standards of beauty.

What is fuelling your deep desire to shrink your body?

The desire to be thin often stems from the belief that thinness equates to happiness, acceptance, and love. But if you delve deeper into this belief, you may uncover something far more enlightening.

  • Take a moment to reflect on times when you might have been thinner. Were you genuinely happier then? Or was it a fleeting sense of satisfaction? Perhaps, like many of my clients, you found that it was never enough, and you were still striving to lose more weight.

  • It might be that you were happy then. If so, was it attributed to your weight, or were there other aspects of your life contributing to your happiness, such as being in a positive relationship or having a great job?

  • Perhaps you didn’t truly find happiness at all then. If this is the case, it's valuable to reflect on this when thoughts about losing weight dominate your thinking.

What else might be driving preoccupation with your weight

Weight Stigma and Diet Culture: In a society that glorifies thinness and demonises larger bodies, it's no wonder that many of us internalise these harmful messages. From media representations to interpersonal interactions, the pressure to conform to a certain body size is widespread.

Seeking Control: For some, the pursuit of thinness becomes a way to exert a feeling of control in a chaotic world. By focusing on your body you might feel in control of something where stress and overwhelm has taken over many aspects of your life. Consider what you might be trying to block out with this focus on your weight.

Thinness as a Moral Virtue: Thinness is often equated with morality and being virtuous, perpetuating the harmful notion that your worth is tied to your body size. But being thin does not make us inherently better people. Our value lies in our character, our actions, and the impact we have on the world around us.

External Validation: The validation you might receive for losing weight may provide a temporary high, but it’s important to recognise that your worth is not dependant on the approval of others, it has to come from within. Bear in mind also that the validation you seek is often from others who are struggling with their own issues around food and body image.

So how can you break free from the shackles of diet culture and cultivate true happiness? It starts with embracing body acceptance and shifting your focus away from thinness as the ultimate goal.

Here are some steps to get you started:

1. Practice Self-Compassion: Recognise that your struggles with food and body image are valid and worthy of compassion. Instead of berating yourself for not meeting unrealistic body standards, offer yourself kindness and understanding.

2. Challenge Internalised Beliefs: Question your beliefs about thinness and worthiness. Challenge the notion that your value is tied to your body size, and embrace your worthiness, irrespective of your appearance.

3. Foster Authentic Connections: Shift your focus to the qualities that truly matter in relationships. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, not based on your appearance, but because of who you are as a person.

4. Pursue Meaningful Experiences: Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfilment, regardless of how of your body size. Whether it's socialising, holidays or dancing, prioritise experiences that nourish your soul.

Try to remind yourself every day that true happiness lies in embracing yourself as you are, freeing yourself from the constraints of societal expectations, and embracing a life rich in meaning and connection.

If the idea of tackling your eating patterns feels overwhelming and you're unsure of where to begin, take a look at my FREE guide Breaking the Cycle - Your First Steps to Healing Your Relationship with Food to kickstart your journey today

This invaluable resource will help you:

✔️Know when you’re really hungry and when you’re not

✔️Learn when to eat that’s best for you

✔️Know the best snacks to help you stop craving and feeling out of control

Is the fear of weight gain stopping you from healing your relationship with food?

One formidable hurdle often stands in the way of making peace with food and your body – the fear of gaining weight. This fear is deeply ingrained, fuelled by societal norms, diet culture, and a pervasive belief that thinness equates to worthiness. But what if you challenged this fear? What if you dared to redefine health and happiness beyond the constraints of the scale?

The problem is that even if life feels all consuming, distressing, and these behaviours encroach on various aspects of your being, you still might feel conflicted about letting go because of the uncertainty that change will bring. The fear often stems from a nagging question about what might happen to your body if you abandon these familiar patterns. Diet culture, with its relentless pursuit of thinness, has normalised this fear, making it seem like the only acceptable goal is to be thinner.

Whether you struggle with chronic dieting, binge eating, bulimia, or emotional eating, it’s likely that your strict food rules and dieting behaviours have given you a sense of control. However, the longer they persist, its important to ask yourself if they are truly serving you now.

In order to move forward and overcome your fear its important to consider the following:

1. Understand Where your Fear has Come From

To overcome the fear of weight gain, it’s critical acknowledge its roots. Whether it stemmed from your childhood; perhaps you were made to feel unworthy because you weren’t the ideal body size? Perhaps comments were made at school, or your body felt different to others because you went through puberty early? Maybe the influence of social media, or the pervasive messages of diet culture have allowed these fears to take hold, dictating your choices and diminishing your self-worth.

2. Fixation on Weight Loss at What Cost?

Are you missing out on vital aspects of your life? It could be the lack of social connections with friends and family, or perhaps you're unable to share meals with your children, impacting your relationship. Maybe you find yourself with no headspace to focus on meaningful aspects of life that bring you purpose, joy, and fulfilment.

3. Reframe your Perspective

Challenge the notion that all weight gain is bad and all weight loss is good. Instead, focus on behaviours that promote overall health and fulfilment. This means reconnecting with our core values and remembering the things you loved about yourself and your life before weight loss became the priority. Many people’s unintentional weight loss is due to health issues- they may have an eating disorder or a chronic illness. For others gaining weight is a positive thing to help with hormone function, menstrual cycle regularity and, energy, vitality and health.

4. Embrace the Uncertainty

Life is inherently uncertain, and change can be uncomfortable. But by embracing the unknown and surrendering the need for all the answers, you can open yourself up to new possibilities. Yes, the journey may be challenging, but pushing through discomfort is where your growth begins.

5. Challenge Your Internal Dialogue

Challenge your inner voice that constantly equates your worth to your appearance. Your value, ability to be loved and worthiness are not dependent on the number on the scale. Instead, they are rooted in your experiences, relationships, and the joy you find in life. Talk to your self with compassion and kindness as you would with someone you care about.

Overcoming the fear of weight gain may be challenging, but it's also a journey toward reclaiming your health, happiness, and autonomy. By confronting outdated societal norms, reconnecting with your values, and embracing the uncertainty of change, you can free yourself from the shackles of diet culture and discover a more fulfilling way of living.

Do you long for a happy relationship with food, but are feeling lost on where to begin? Grab my FREE guide Breaking the Cycle - Your First Steps to Healing Your Relationship with Food, to kickstart your journey today

This invaluable resource will help you:

✔️Know when you’re really hungry and when you’re not

✔️Learn when to eat that’s best for you

✔️Know the best snacks to help you stop craving and feeling out of control

How to protect yourself from other people’s body, dieting + weight-loss talk

If you follow my blogs and social media channels you might have started to question diet culture and understand more about the non-diet approach. Perhaps though, other people’s chatter has the potential to give rise to panic about your weight, feeling body shame or even envy if someone you know has lost weight.

The problem is that even if you have begun to have doubts about the effectiveness of dieting, there are plenty of other people still trapped within the dieting mindset and see this as their only option.

No matter where you are or who you’re with, it’s likely that someone will discuss their own body dissatisfaction, talk about their latest diet or weight loss and perhaps remark on your weight.

It might be that your mum has been commenting on your body or weight all your life. It is likely she will think this is normal, that she is being helpful and that this comes from a place of love. It’s also quite plausible that your mum had the same experience with her mum too.



For many of the women I work with, their friends, family and even work colleagues can make triggering comments that can easily derail them if they don’t put certain measures in place.

It’s important to acknowledge that if your mum or friends have not done the work of dismantling diet culture in their life, they will continue to share their thoughts and beliefs with you -and think that its ok. So be prepared to expect it.  But know that the next time you will be prepared.

To do this, it’s helpful to understand that your thoughts moderate your emotions. This in turn will affect how you react to the situation.

So let’s take Sally for example. Every time she visits, her mum tells her that she’s on a ‘great new diet’ and isn’t it time that she tried this too as she hasn’t lost any weight. ‘Think how you will look after’ she tells her.

Sally is triggered by this conversation; she has been working hard on eating in a more balanced way and focusing on breaking her binge-restrict cycle. However, these remarks provide a cue for a cascade of automatic thoughts, ‘She’s right you know, I should be losing weight, I’ve failed at every diet so far, this isn’t working, what the hell is wrong with me? And the thoughts go on……

The automatic thoughts trigger a stress response and a range of emotions including confusion, despair, and shame. When Sally gets home she decides to skip her next meal and later in the day ends up bingeing.



1. Firstly, give yourself compassion. This is key. The way you think is not your fault and has likely come from years of influence from your primary caregivers, your environment, your peers and mass media messages.

2. Offer the offenders compassion. They do not understand. They will need to go on their own journey in order to acknowledge the unintentional harm they may be causing.

3. Decide how you will think about a specific person’s comments in advance. Write down a prepared thought and keep repeating it to yourself.

(For Sally this thought may be something like; ‘My mum’s only solution is to diet, as she is a victim of diet culture’)

4. Put boundaries in place:

You could decide to walk away from the conversation. Find a reason to remove yourself such as going to the loo, or taking a stroll outside.

My clients find that simply replying to any comments with ‘Thank you’ and then changing the subject can be extremely effective and empowering.

Alternatively you may want to tell the person politely, firmly and clearly that discussions about your body or weight are a strictly no-go area. (If you are a people pleaser – please note that you have EVERY right to do so)

You might want to take it one step further by stating that you are not willing to engage in this conversation – how you look after your body is your choice and your choice only.

5. Thought work

This is something that will take time and you may need support from a coach who is qualified in this area. (I spend a minimum of 12 weeks working on mindset among other things with my clients). This involves becoming aware of your automatic thoughts without judgement and reprogramming your mind’s reactions to triggers.

Sally’s example illustrates how we create the reality through the thoughts we think which influence the emotions we feel. However, we can control not only our emotional reaction but also the aftermath of situations by changing what we think and believe.

Until next time

Marcelle x

P.S. Are you longing to find food and body freedom?

Would you love to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food?

Come and join us in the FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, Facebook community- a safe place where you can question, share, learn + feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. In the group my aim is to help you cut through the confusion and anxiety you feel around food and eating along with sharing motivation and steps you can take to get off the diet rollercoaster for good. And what’s more it’s free to join!

If you would love to leave your years of dieting behind you and create positive change in your life then come and join us now!



Body image and dieting – why changing your mindset is more effective than changing your body

body image and dieting

If you are unhappy with your appearance, weight or body shape the likelihood is that you’ve spent years trying to work out how to change it.

Perhaps you have been jumping from diet to diet, over exercising or have even considered surgery.

Every year millions of women diet in order to change their body. In fact at least 50% of adult women are on some kind of weight loss regime at any given time, in order to help themselves feel better about it.

For many people I work with, this has literally hijacked their life – 24 /7 thoughts about food, their weight or shape– so there’s no room for anything else.

Is this the same for you?

If this is impacting your life, I wonder if you would consider the possibility that changing the way you think about your body is the solution as opposed to the relentless focus on physically shrinking it?

Yo-yo dieting – where weight is lost and regained in a never-ending cycle, has a significant negative impact on body image. A study was conducted with 88 larger bodied women who lost an average of 23 kilos following a weight loss diet. Their body image initially improved. However, when they had regained only an average of 2 kilos a few months later, their body image deteriorated significantly. And we know that weight regain is expected in up to 95% of participants following any weight loss diet.

Yo-yo dieting of course impacts health in many ways – check out my past blog – The hidden costs of yo-yo dieting for more info on this.

If you are a compulsive dieter, it’s first important to reflect on what your motivation is for dieting. Is it for physical health and wellbeing? Or to appear more ‘attractive’ – a fat phobic fear that you will be judged for not achieving the thin body ideal. Perhaps you don’t feel like you fit in or are worthy of love and respect?

Of course, looking after your body is important for your physical and mental health but it is extremely difficult to do so consistently if you despise it.

It is a myth that losing weight is the only way to feel good about your body. By learning to respect it you will be far more likely to look after it in a sustainable way.

This is why when clients who have been dieting for years, want to improve their health, we need to move the focus away from weight loss.

Yes- this can feel scary at first.

But with the right support it is possible to move forward.

Once you begin to see and feel the true benefits – your motivation and confidence will grow. This is when I see many clients loosing excess weight as a side effect of the changes they make – it is no longer their focus but becomes possible as they begin to think differently about their body and themselves.


I’d love to guide you on that journey

If you are struggling with disordered eating and your body image, you are constantly on and off diets, or find yourself craving sugar, emotional eating or bingeing, please reach out for support.

Book in a complimentary call to see how I can help you begin your journey to food freedom and transform your life 

What happens to our metabolism when we yo-yo diet

yo-yo diet dieting metabolism

Over half the population of adult women will be on a diet at any given time. And for seventy percent of these women, this will not be their first diet.

It might surprise you to hear that approximately 95% of dieters regain their lost weight after between 1 and 5 years. If you are a yo–yo dieter ie. someone who loses weight and regains it in a never-ending cycle, it is likely that this will be taking its toll on your body; not only physically but emotionally and psychologically too.

It might feel like dieting is the only way you can be happy and healthy, feel good about yourself and enjoy your life; but have you ever weighed up the cost of doing so?


Most people eventually end up the same weight or heavier than when they started the diet. This is because the body typically reduces the amount of energy it uses when weight is lost to preserve it, whilst at the same time, hunger increases. Hunger hormones, including ghrelin rises with weight loss and satiety hormones decrease.

And there is the ‘set-point’ theory to consider. This proposes that the body uses a natural mechanism to maintain its natural weight, rather like a ‘fat thermostat’ so that it will always go back to its ideal weight range, after restriction or over exercise. This can fluctuate during our life-time and thought to be regulated by mechanisms of our metabolism and thyroid hormones.


Another complication of weight cycling (as it’s known in scientific literature) is that it’s likely to lead to a less healthy body composition. When breaking down the body into its core components – fat mass and lean body mass (organs, skin, bones, body water and muscle mass) we can have a far better understanding of the physiological changes in the body.

During weight loss, fat mass tends to reduce more than lean mass. However, when weight is regained, the proportion of fat in the body increases more than that of muscle and bones etc.


There is some evidence to indicate that weight cycling may lead to the development of conditions such as insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease and hypertension (high blood pressure). Although more research is needed in this area as some studies have been found to refute this.


I witness the emotional impact that yo-yo dieting has on my clients – and the literature back’s this up too; Poor body image, a preoccupation with how they look, feelings of failure and shame, as well as higher risk of depression and anxiety. Bingeing behaviour stems from restriction and the feeling of deprivation that dieting brings.

The diet industry would have you believe that the only way to be truly healthy is if you are slim and that the only way to enjoy life, be happy and like yourself is if you diet. My mission is to help debunk this myth and help women build a happy relationship with food and their body. It is possible to accept your body whether you are carrying excess weight or not, without dieting. It is possible to eat in a balanced way AND take joy from your food.

If you are you struggling with your eating and your relationship with food + your body, head over to The Food Freedom Collective free group, for daily support and weekly live videos to tackle your challenges

If any of these resonate then this community is for you :

💠You are on and off diets all the time

💠You find yourself binge eating

💠You are an ‘emotional eater’

💠You restrict food in order to lose weight

💠 You can’t stop thinking about your weight, appearance or food

💠 You feel overwhelmed and confused no longer knowing what you ‘should’ eat

Trapped in the diet cycle? Why 'all or nothing' thinking keeps you stuck

I help many women who are desperate to break free from dieting, having spent years or decades trapped in the cycle – exhausted by the headspace it consumes and misery it brings. They feel overwhelmed and confused not knowing how to eat without being on a diet and worry about what will become of their weight.

Many of my clients are overly restrictive with many fears and rules around food. Some find themselves binge eating or feeling out of control around foods. Others may be compelled to exercise excessively.



All or nothing thinking lies at the heart of all of these distressing challenges and the inner dialogue is often 24/7.

This dichotomous thinking leads to attempts at restricting foods perceived as bad for their health or their weight. For most people this is unsustainable and often results in binging or emotionally eating the very same ‘forbidden’ foods.

The cycle goes like this; Eat the perceived ‘bad’ food, and automatic thoughts that follow are I’ve eaten really badly, I’m a bad person, I’m greedy, I have no willpower, I’ve blown it again. I need to start again tomorrow/ next week/ on Monday and so on.

Anxiety is often coupled with these thoughts. This may lead to skipping meals or severely restricting caloric intake. It may lead to a bout of punishing exercise to make up for ‘falling off the wagon’.



If this is something you recognise with the way you approach your food, try removing the moralistic value from the foods. Yes, some foods are more helpful for our health than others but it is ok to have all types of foods some of the time.

Instead, focus instead on quality, nourishing foods you can add in to your diet. These will help you to feel better, lift your mood and stop punishing yourself.

When working with my clients we often work on visualising this work as a journey. I ask my clients to picture themselves on a cycle ride. Yes, they will hit bumps in the road. They may come off the bike every now and then – and that is normal and expected but that doesn’t take them back to the beginning of their journey. They just need to dust themselves off, get back on the bike and continue on.

If this s something you struggle with don’t battle with it alone. It is possible to find food freedom and create balance in your mind and your life.
I work with people just like you, who need a new approach  so they can reclaim their life.

Book in a complimentary call HERE to find out how I can help.

Please also come and join us in 
FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, FREE Facebook community- a safe place where you can feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. I do live videos in the group each week to discuss a new topic to support you on your journey and I share, food ideas, motivation and supportive practices daily – it’s free to join!

Would you love to be able to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food? Click the button below to join.

Bingeing + emotional eating; why key nutrients play a role

Many of my clients battle with emotional eating and bingeing - unbeknownst to them, common nutrient deficiencies may well be part of the picture. A recent study has confirmed what I regularly see in clinic; It is extremely common for women of all ages in the UK to have insufficient (if not deficient) levels of a number of key nutrients.

We must consume the relevant raw materials in order to produce the brain chemicals that play a significant role in appetite and hunger. Deficiencies in magnesium, selenium, zinc and vitamin D may be contributing to the picture and can be remedied with a well-balanced diet.

Furthermore, we require protein from our diet to obtain essential amino acids which are the building blocks of brain chemicals such as serotonin (the feel-good neurotransmitter) and dopamine which lies at the heart of our brain’s reward centre. Vegetarians and particularly vegans may be lacking in specific amino acids which are created when protein from our diet is broken down, digested and absorbed.

The good news…

The good news is that this can be addressed this by correcting any deficiencies and blood sugar levels to help with sugar cravings. But we cannot only focus on the ‘what’ you’re eating, eating psychology, appetite and mindset work play an important role. I have had the pleasure of working with hundreds of women using my integrated approach with transformative results.

If you are struggling with your eating, don’t battle with it alone. It is possible to find food freedom and create balance in your mind and your life.
I work with people just like you, who need a new approach to transition to a balanced approach to eating and live life to the fullest!

Book in a complimentary call HERE to find out how I can help.

Please also come and join us in 
FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, FREE Facebook community- a safe place where you can feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. I do live videos in the group each week to discuss a new topic to support you on your journey and I share, food ideas, motivation and supportive practices daily – it’s free to join!

Would you love to be able to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food? Click the button below to join.

What would you give up to be the ‘perfect’ body size?

Almost 50% of women of all shapes and sizes said they would trade a year of their life rather than be over-weight when asked in a survey. And up to 30% said they would give up their partner, having children or become an alcoholic for the perfect body size. These alarming stats tell us how deeply ingrained weight stigma has rooted itself in our society.

How is it that for many women their body size, weight or shape has become the predominant means of measuring what they are worth? Why is it that the number on the scales has been prioritised by women over their mental, physical and emotional health?

But it’s the constant preoccupation of these thoughts and the resulting stress response in the body, that may actually be leading to weight gain in addition to an unhealthy relationship with food. This cycle will then just continue throughout their entire life.

I sometimes ask my clients to think about how they would want to be remembered, what their legacy will be. Would they be happy with ‘She managed to stay thin’ on their gravestone? Morbid I know, but it certainly makes them think.

 If you are a chronic dieter, have battles with binge eating or restrict your food, do you want to be thinking the same harmful thoughts in 20, 40 or 60 years’ time?

 Or are you ready to reclaim your life from the misery and struggle that this mindset brings?

 If you need some support with this don’t battle with it alone. It is possible to find food freedom and create balance in your mind and your life.

This is the last chance to join my Undiet your Mind 21 day course. So for the cost of a just few takeaways, you can learn a new approach to eating so you can develop sustainable habits with confidence and let go of dieting for good.

 It’s starting tomorrow and enrolment ends tonight! Check out all the course info + enrol HERE

Alternatively Book in a complimentary call HERE to find out how I can help you with my signature one to one programmes.


Why eating ‘addictive’ foods, doesn’t make you a junk food addict

Ever stopped at one Pringle?

Find it hard to eat only half a KitKat?

Perhaps the temptation of a whole Dairy Milk is just too strong?!

Like many processed foods, many crisps, chocolate bars and biscuits contain a combination of carbohydrates, the unhelpful fats, sugar and often salt that affect our brain-reward circuitry. They overpower our appetite signals that tell us when we’re full. These foods have been coined hyper-palatable foods, by researchers studying their powerful effects.

Most processed foods commonly consumed in Europe and the US, meet the hyper-palatable food criteria. This was defined and accepted in 2019 by researcher’s who came up with specific quantities and proportions within processed foods that have the ability to affect our brain chemistry in this way.


Professor Fazzino and his team conducted a study that found that food companies have well designed formulas for foods to increase the amount we eat. The scientists believe they can activate our brain neuro-circuits in a similar way to cocaine. The researchers also discovered that these foods may have the ability to overcome our satiety and fullness signals that tell us when to stop eating.

The same study found that 49% of foods labelled low or reduced sugar, fat or salt also met the criteria. Understandably it feels almost impossible for most to navigate the food isles and avoid these brain-hacking food products.

Most people I work with to overcome compulsive and emotional eating feel guilty and blame themselves, they feel society blames them for having no will power, failing at diets and not being ‘good’ enough. However, the battle is so much more complex than having will power. The addictive nature of these foods is one of the many components making it so hard.

If this is something you struggle with, it’s important to acknowledge firstly that you are not alone but also that just because you find these foods addictive (as they have been designed to be), it doesn’t mean that you are a sugar or junk food addict. It is possible to learn how to eat these foods as part of a balanced diet without feeling out of control around them.

Sometimes addressing this alone is too great a challenge to undertake -especially if you have years of chronic dieting, bingeing or emotional eating behind you. 

I work with people just like you, who need a new approach so they are able to live life to the fullest. Book in a complimentary call HERE to find out how I can help

Please also come and join us in FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, Facebook community- supporting women to ditch dieting, beat binge eating and make peace with their food and their body. I do live videos in the group each week to discuss a new topic to support you on your journey and I share, food ideas, motivation and support – it’s free to join!

The startling truth about artificial sweeteners

This week I wanted to share news of a recent study carried out on the affects of artificial sweeteners and my thoughts around foods containing these products.

Many women I work with have switched to artificial sweeteners in the pursuit of managing their weight before coming for help. Diet Coke and many supposed ‘health’ products are often on the menu. Unbeknownst to them, these very foods and drinks are likely to have been contributing to their challenges.

It’s a common misconception that swapping to artificial sweeteners is the answer to removing sugar from your diet and though too much sugar is unhelpful, the likes of sucralose (in products such as Splenda and Canderel) and aspartame (a key ingredient found in Diet Coke) have been found to have an impact on blood glucose levels and the balance of bacteria in our gut.

Sucralose - impact on food cravings and appetite 

A recently published study - one of the largest to date, has examined how the brain responds to sucralose, and has come to some startling conclusions. Sucralose was found to increase activity in regions of the brain responsible for food cravings and appetite in both women and those who were considered clinically overweight. They also discovered an overall decrease in the body’s satiety hormones that help us to feel full.   – Not quite so helpful for those wanting to take control of bingeing, emotional eating and snacking, after all!

So, what’s the answer when it comes to sugar?

I help my clients to have a more balanced approach to sugar rather than trying to eliminate it completely from the diet. Outright restriction is likely to lead to cravings and a compulsion to eat sugary foods in larger quantities. Similarly, I support them with moving away from products such as Diet Coke (which are often used in an attempt to suppress appetite or cravings) and help them to bring in a rich diversity of foods that will support their physiology instead.

If this is something you struggle with, then my Un-diet your Mind  21 day course will help you to transition from  food anxiety, restriction and endless dieting to a more a balanced approach to food. I will be with you every step of the way, so you feel supported and motivated to begin the process of long-lasting change. The course is starting on Monday 1st November

Check out all the details + enrol using the button below


'Diet-free your life' - FREE on-line workshop

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Free on-line workshop for women struggling with yo-yo dieting, binge + emotional eating.

Discover the key mistakes most women make when it comes to their challenges around food, the 3 little-known reasons why dieting may not be working for you and I’ll show you what I teach my clients to successfully do instead.


Choose from one of the following 45 minute sessions:

7.30pm Tuesday 19th October

1pm Thursday 21st October

7.30pm Wednesday 27th October

⭐️I would love you to join live but if you can’t make it be sure to register HERE to receive the recording ⭐️

About your coach…..

I’m Marcelle -BANT Registered Nutritionist + Health Coach with specialist training in eating disorders and eating distress ( Master Practitioner qualified - National Centre for Eating Disorders)

I specialise in helping women beat binge eating, emotional eating and yo- yo dieting for good so they can make peace with their body and heal their relationship with food so they are able to live life to the fullest.

I’m looking forward to joining you 💜

If you can’t make it live be sure to still register to receive the recording. Register by clicking the button below


Is it a new diet you need?

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I wonder how long you have spent over throughout your life searching for the magic pill when it comes to weight loss? And how much money you have spent on miracle diets that promised to make the weight drop off over night?

If you are someone who has spent a significant amount of time in slimming clubs, slimming programmes or starting again on Monday, you may be beginning to think that something just isn’t working.

It is likely you have been taught the notion that calories in equals calories out, that low carb is better than low fat (or visa versa) or that drinking celery juice is the answer to all your prayers.

The weight loss group mantras seem to be about finding ways to cheat your body. It’s no wonder people lose weight and put it straight back on again.

What the slimming clubs miss is that unless you get to the root of what is going on for you, nothing will change in the long term and your mindset is at the core of this.

One part of this is taking care of your self-care. If you are an emotional eater, no ‘diet’ in the world is going to help you deal with what the REAL issue is – your wonky relationship with food. You need to rewire your food brain, because emotional eating or binge eating are major causes of feeling a diet failure but, unless you get to the underlying causes of the problem, you’re destined to yo-yo diet … forever.

Self-care is the recognition that only YOU can make yourself happy and that, if you make sure that you dedicate some time EVERY DAY purely for your own enjoyment, you will have more joy in your life, be more fun to be around and have far greater reserves to deal with the stresses of everyday life.

The miracle of self-care doesn’t end there. When you dedicate a small amount of time each day to your own happiness, there is less need to reach for the chocolate biscuits. I’m guessing you’re like many of my clients – you are usually so time poor, that rewarding yourself with treat foods like cake and biscuits is the easiest way to show yourself some self-love.

My experience when working with clients has shown me over and over again is that so little of why you eat what you eat has to do with nourishing your body. The greater part is to do with how you feel about yourself and about life in general. Eating half a packet of chocolate biscuits is much easier than getting what you really need, which might be a way to de-stress, feel loved, get attention, relax and even sleep. 

I am sure that you get what I am saying, but this is not enough for the magic to work. Just understanding won’t get you the benefits. You have to be in action.

I promise you that if you make a commitment to yourself, other challenges in your life will start to feel that bit easier. Maybe you need some support with deep rooted struggles; a slave to food, your weight or appearance or worry about every calorie that enters your mouth. Perhaps you’re unable to break free from the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting, binge or emotional eating, I want you to know, you are not alone.

I work with people just like you who need a new approach to gaining balance and moderation around food and eating. And I can help you to take action when you commit to doing something completely different so you can leave dieting behind for good. 

Un-diet your Mind is my new 21 day coaching course where you will unlearn your old food patterns & make new confident choices. I will be with you every step of the way, so you feel supported and motivated to begin the process of long lasting change. Its starting on Monday 1st November

Join my VIP wait list to be the first to be notified when the course goes live and have the chance to enrol at the discounted price!

The course is just £89 and only £69 to the first 15 people who enrol

Struggling with sugar cravings?

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Does this resonate with you?

-You crave certain foods when you’re not hungry

-You worry about cutting down on certain foods.

-You feel sluggish or fatigued (especially from compulsive eating).

-You need more and more of the foods you crave to experience any pleasure or reduce negative emotions.

Reducing your sugar intake can help you to feel more energised, satiated and balanced. But I know from experience that it can be a challenge and particularly for many women that I work with who struggle with emotional eating, bingeing, and yo-yo dieting.

The white stuff is ubiquitous. It goes without saying that you’ll find it in obvious and some less obvious foods, on every shop corner, wherever you go.

Cutting down on sugar can feel hard – especially if you have spent years using sugary treats to give you an energy boost, as a coping mechanism for stress or as a reward for getting through the day.


1. Observe how you start the day

Start your day with a bowl of cereal and in many cases, you’re starting with a good portion of sugar! Switch to something containing protein accompanied with fruit or even veggies to help to regulate your blood sugar from the get-go

2. Be conscious (but not obsessive) about food labels

It’s helpful to be aware that “sugar free” or “no added sugar” often doesn’t mean it has no sugar- sometimes the sugar is disguised as something else. Here are just a few alternative sugar names:  sucrose, fructose, glucose, dextrose, galactose, lactose, maltose, invert sugar, raw sugar, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, isoglucose, brown rice syrup, barley malt and malodextrin.

It’s important to not get too hung up on these but maybe helpful to decipher why for example a certain food you consume regularly isn’t making you feel that great or leads to cravings later in the day.

3.  Be mindful of juices and smoothies!

Fruit juices contain a fair amount of natural sugar but without the fibre (that the whole fruit contains) to slow its progress into your bloodstream. Fruit laden smoothies do just the same.  If you enjoy smoothies, go for combinations of leafy greens, avocado, mixed seeds and a limited amount of fruit (mixed berries are helpful for blood sugar balancing)

4. Say no to artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are man-made products that are no more helpful to us than real sugar. They can upset your digestive system and some – notably aspartame and acesulfame-K – have been linked to other health conditions.

What you may not know is that artificial sweeteners – and many other ‘natural sweeteners’ that find their way into ‘health foods’ –behave in the body the same way as actual sugar by raising your blood glucose levels. I would personally go for the real stuff given the choice!

5. Don’t make sugar a forbidden food

This one may confuse you and yes you read that right! When we demonise and deprive ourselves completely of certain foods – the power of said foods is increased. You are less likely to have bingeing episodes, when giving yourself unconditional permission to eat foods containing sugar and far more likely to eat in a balanced way.

Are you ready for a new approach to eating and leave dieting behind for good? 

Un-diet your Mind is my new 21-day coaching course where you will unlearn your old food patterns & make new confident choices. I will be with you every step of the way, so you feel supported and motivated to begin the process of long lasting change. Its starting on Monday 1st November

Join my VIP wait list to be the first to be notified when the course goes live and have the chance to enrol at the discounted price!

The course is just £89 and only £69 to the first 15 people who enrol
The first 15 people who join the course will receive the special discount 

Make peace with your body + build a happy relationship with food

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Have you been on and off diets for years of your life?

Are you ‘in your head’ 24/7 worrying about what you will eat, what you have eaten, your weight or your shape?

Do you constantly compare yourself to others or avoid social situations because of how you feel about your body?

Perhaps you binge eat and feel out of control around food?

Maybe you turn to food as a way of coping when you feel stressed, frustrated or down?

Or could it be that you feel shame or judged by others?

.......you are not alone

In case you don’t know me, I’m Marcelle Rose, registered nutritionist, emotional eating coach + eating distress specialist.

I’m on a mission to help women make peace with their body and build a happy relationship with food so they can live their fullest life.

I would love you to come and join me in my Facebook community The Food Freedom Collective

Where you will find:

  • Information surrounding the myths and misconceptions surrounding food and eating

  • How to cut through the diet culture crap

  • Mindset help and support

  • Motivation and steps to get off the diet rollercoaster for good

  • Discussion and information on how to work through specific challenges

  • Tasty and nutritious meal and snack ideas + inspiration

And be part of a supportive private community that gets you without feeling shame or judgement

because you do not have to battle this alone

And what’s more it won’t cost you a penny!


How to protect yourself from other people’s body, dieting + weight-loss talk

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If you follow my blogs and social media channels you might have started to question diet culture and understand more about the non-diet approach. Perhaps though, other people’s chatter has the potential to give rise to panic about your weight, feeling body shame or even envy if someone you know has lost weight.

The problem is that even if you have begun to have doubts about the effectiveness of dieting, there are plenty of other people still trapped within the dieting mindset and see this as their only option.

No matter where you are or who you’re with, it’s likely that someone will discuss their own body dissatisfaction, talk about their latest diet or weight loss and perhaps remark on your weight.

It might be that your mum has been commenting on your body or weight all your life. It is likely she will think this is normal, that she is being helpful and that this comes from a place of love. It’s also quite plausible that your mum had the same experience with her mum too.



For many of the women I work with, their friends, family and even work colleagues can make triggering comments that can easily derail them if they don’t put certain measures in place.

It’s important to acknowledge that if your mum or friends have not done the work of dismantling diet culture in their life, they will continue to share their thoughts and beliefs with you -and think that its ok. So be prepared to expect it.  But know that the next time you will be prepared.

To do this, it’s helpful to understand that your thoughts moderate your emotions. This in turn will affect how you react to the situation.

So let’s take Sally for example. Every time she visits, her mum tells her that she’s on a ‘great new diet’ and isn’t it time that she tried this too as she hasn’t lost any weight. ‘Think how you will look after’ she tells her.

Sally is triggered by this conversation; she has been working hard on eating in a more balanced way and focusing on breaking her binge-restrict cycle. However, these remarks provide a cue for a cascade of automatic thoughts, ‘She’s right you know, I should be losing weight, I’ve failed at every diet so far, this isn’t working, what the hell is wrong with me? And the thoughts go on……

The automatic thoughts trigger a stress response and a range of emotions including confusion, despair, and shame. When Sally gets home she decides to skip her next meal and later in the day ends up bingeing.



1. Firstly, give yourself compassion. This is key. The way you think is not your fault and has likely come from years of influence from your primary caregivers, your environment, your peers and mass media messages.

2. Offer the offenders compassion. They do not understand. They will need to go on their own journey in order to acknowledge the unintentional harm they may be causing.

3. Decide how you will think about a specific person’s comments in advance. Write down a prepared thought and keep repeating it to yourself.

(For Sally this thought may be something like; ‘My mum’s only solution is to diet, she feels ashamed of her body’)

4. Put boundaries in place:

You could decide to walk away from the conversation. Find a reason to remove yourself such as going to the loo, or taking a stroll outside.

You may also want to tell the person politely, firmly and clearly that discussions about your body or weight are a strictly no-go area. (If you are a people pleaser – please note that you have EVERY right to do so)

You might want to take it one step further by stating that you are not willing to engage in this conversation – how you look after your body is your choice and your choice only.

5. Thought work

This is something that will take time and you may need support from a coach who is qualified in this area. (I spend a minimum of 12 weeks working on mindset among other things with my clients). This involves becoming aware of your automatic thoughts without judgement and reprogramming your mind’s reactions to triggers.

Sally’s example illustrates how we create the reality through the thoughts we think which influence the emotions we feel. However, we can control not only our emotional reaction but also the aftermath of situations by changing what we think and believe.

Until next time

Marcelle x

P.S. Are you longing to find food and body freedom?

Would you love to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food?

Come and join us in the FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, Facebook community- a safe place where you can question, share, learn + feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. In the group my aim is to help you cut through the confusion and anxiety you feel around food and eating along with sharing motivation and steps you can take to get off the diet rollercoaster for good. And what’s more it’s free to join!

If you would love to leave your years of dieting behind you and create positive change in your life then come and join us now!



A time-saving nutrient packed meal for all the family!

It felt positively chilli for August where I was this week, so I needed a warming meal that was quick, easy and adaptable to suit the varied tastes of all the family.

The beauty of this is that you can use either home-made or good quality organic bought chicken stock (such as this ) or miso soup as the base (using miso paste such as this)

Then add the nourishment to your hearts content- spring onion, leafy greens, fresh herbs, mushrooms, tofu, boiled egg and noodles work particularly well. But you can improvise with almost any veg you have left in the fridge.

Check out the video below to show you how…….

To make chicken stock/soup base

This is super-easy and can be made in advance and stored in the freezer in portions


  • 1 x chicken (ideally organic) or whole chicken caracass

  • 2 medium onions, peeled and roughly chopped

  • 2 leeks well washed and trimmed

  • 3 carrots, peeled

  • 3 sticks of celery

  • 4 cloves of garlic, peeled

  • 4 bay leaves

  • 1 parsnip, peeled

  • fresh thyme if you have it

  • 1 small bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley finely chopped

  • 1 tablespoon of black pepper corns


1.   Wash your chicken in cold water and place it in your largest pot. Cover with cold water to come about 10cm above the chicken. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down and simmer for 30 minutes. Skim the froth off the top of the chicken.

2.   Add the veg, garlic and herbs garlic and season with a good pinch of sea salt. Bring it to the boil and then leave it to simmer for 1 hour.

3.   When the soup has cooked for 2 ½ - 3 hours transfer the chicken or carcass to another dish. Leave to cool, uncovered, for a few minutes.

4.   Remove the soup from the heat and strain it through a large sieve. Take out the carrot carefully and chop and return to the soup.

5.   When your chicken has cooled shred the meat off the bone (or any meat from the carcass) and put aside. Add shredded chicken to the soup when you are ready to eat it.

Alternatively, you can transfer all ingredients to a slow cooker or electric pressure cooker – I like to use my Instant Pot for this.

I would love to hear what you think of this idea- just hit reply and let me know!

If you are someone who battles with sugar cravings, find yourself on a diet rollercoaster, perhaps emotionally eat or binge, there is a way to free your body and mind from the endless misery it brings. 

Introducing foods that will support your physiology is just one piece of puzzle alongside building a healthy mindset, eating psychology and appetite and satiety reconnection to name a few.

Until next time

Marcelle x

P.S. Are you longing to find food and body freedom?

Would you love to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food?

Come and join us in the FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, Facebook community- a safe place where you can question, share, learn + feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. In the group my aim is to help you cut through the confusion and anxiety you feel around food and eating along with sharing motivation and steps you can take to get off the diet rollercoaster for good. And what’s more it’s free to join!

If you would love to leave your years of dieting behind you and create positive change in your life then come and join us now!


Practical tool download and this months top picks!


This month I’m sharing among other things a practical tool to help you and your family increase the diversity of food in your diet- read on to discover the amazing benefits of doing so! 

I would love to hear what you think of this month’s picks and if there’s something you would like to recommend– do hit reply and let me know!


If you eat veg and fruit daily you are already going to see health benefits. But are you stuck in a rut by selecting the same vegetable choices day in and day out? Surprisingly many people in the Western world are deficient in certain nutrients.

If you think that in the Uk wheat accounts for 75% of peoples fibre intake. Studies have shown that a diverse diet which includes all major food groups has a positive impact on health. But it’s the special plant nutrients ( known as phyto-nutrients) found in veg and fruit  that support the digestive system, our immunity and reduce inflammation within the body.

Eating a diverse range of veg and fruit helps support the diversity of our gut microbiome (the eco system in our gut) by increasing the variety of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Let’s take the well -studied microbe Akkermansia. (Those of you who have done comprehensive stool testing with me, may remember this little beauty in your report!) There is evidence to suggest that increasing populations of this bacteria within the gut may help to combat metabolic syndrome and support weight loss.

So, to help you diversify what you eat, I’ve included my ‘50 foods’ tool HERE for you to download. This will help you keep track of every different food you eat for a week - aim for at least 50 foods, try to eat of all colours of the rainbow, the brighter the better. Let me know how you get on!



I waited around 2 years for the 8litre size of the Instant Pot to come into stock and I’m so glad I have it now. This kitchen gadget is great for stews (vegetarian or meat), stock, yoghurt and rice. It sautés, pressure cooks and slow cooks. I’m sure there are so many more meals I could make with this . If you have an Instant Pot yourself, do hit reply and let me know what you create with yours!


In Brené Brown’s 2010 Ted Talk she open s up the conversation about vulnerability. If you don’t yet know about Brené I highly recommend you have a listen – her books are fantastic too. Every now and then I like to revisit her work as an important reminder. She shares insights from her research including having the courage to be imperfect, the compassion to be kind to yourself first (or how else can you show compassion to others) and letting go of who you think should be in order to be truly authentic. In my opinion this is key learning for anyone but especially if you are working on your relationship with food and your body.

P.S. Would you love to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food?

Come and join us in the FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, Facebook community- a safe place where you can question, share, learn + feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. In the group my aim is to help you cut through the confusion and anxiety you feel around food and eating along with sharing motivation, supportive practices and steps you can take to get off the diet rollercoaster for good. And what’s more it’s free to join!

If you would love to leave your years of dieting behind you and create positive change in your life then come and join us now!

Is Hunger really your enemy?

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I regularly see my clients desperately upset when we first start working together, because they constantly feel hungry. Some fear the hunger to such an extent that it takes over their life - it feels like something that they ‘should’ be able to control.

On the other hand, many of the women I work with find it hard to define if they regularly experience true hunger, when they first approach me for help.

Many respond to hunger as it were their enemy. They either feel it intensely in the pit of their stomach or they are craving food when not necessarily hungry. Perhaps they are using food as a coping mechanism – a replacement for something they are really needing. If either scenario is a reality for you, read on to discover what might be going on.

What’s the difference between physical hunger and head hunger?

The first thing to work out is if the hunger you are feeling, is true physical hunger or head hunger.

Physical, bodily hunger can be identified when you feel the sensation in your body – often your stomach. Perhaps it’s a hollow feeling, or light headedness. Your stomach sends this message to your brain and you will feel it whether or not you see or smell food.

Head hunger however, is affected by external cues. For example, you may walk past a bakery. You can see and smell freshly baked pastries and then think – I’ve really got to buy some of that.

There are no physical symptoms – it may be the pure fact that you’ve seen it and it looks good. It may habitual (ie you pass the same bakery every day and it has become your default behaviour to stop off and buy the pastry on your way home). Or you may be feeling sad, stressed, anxious, fed up or angry and think – that is exactly what I need to make me feel better.

If what you are experiencing is in fact head hunger– this isn’t a sign of weakness or something to fear. It is very often a signal that we have an unmet need. Learning to understand these signals with self-compassion is a key part of the process of creating positive change.

And what if you feel true bodily hunger all the time?

If your hunger is real and you experience it all the time, this is also something to embrace. It is your body’s way of telling you it needs nourishment.

Many of the women I work with have experienced intense hunger after they finish their meal. Often this is purely because they have not been allowing themselves to eat enough -following a self-imposed rule of how much they 'should' be eating.

One lovely lady expressed disbelief the other day when she realised what a difference it made to eat three balanced meals a day and give herself permission to have more if required. Following this she no longer needed to snack or binge in the evenings and was able to enjoy her eating experience.


What if you just don’t know?

We are all born to innately respond to hunger, fullness and satiety. Think of how babies and toddlers eat when they are hungry and push food away spit it out or throw it on the floor when they are not. They instinctively know.

Sadly, over time this skill becomes eroded by the influence of our environment, mass media and diet culture -Have you ever been on a diet that focuses on your hunger and satiety?!

The good news is that this skill can be relearned. It takes work and focus to start listening to your body to then be able to trust and respond to it. But it can be achieved. I have seen my clients change the way they think about food and eating, liberate their mind and make incredible life transformations

Are you ready to create change in your life? 

Are you stuck in a cycle of emotional eating, bingeing or yo-yo dieting? 

Are you ready to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food?

Come and join us in the FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, FREE Facebook community- a safe place where you can question, share, learn + feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. I share tips, simple recipe, meal, and snack ideas along with strategies, motivation and supportive practices within the group and its FREE to join!

It’s time to release yourself from the shackles of diet culture + empower yourself to create positive change- start today!

Super summer lunch recipe + how to grow your own in 3 simple steps

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Summer is up and running now, and there’s nothing better than having fresh salad leaves to add to your meal. You’ll have no excuses for running out if you grow your own and the flavours are far superior from anything you’ll buy from the supermarket.

The most common crop is lettuce but there are a host of other salad leaves: chicory, endive, sorrel, spinach, mizuna, mibuna, rocket and mustard. They’re called cut-and-come-again. Simply keep cutting immature leaves and more re-grow!


  1. Grow salad leaves in full sun, making sure the soil is well-drained.
    They are particularly well suited to growing in containers or growbags. Ensure whatever you use has drainage holes at the bottom to prevent the soil getting flooded. You can also sow salad leaves in the garden straight into the beds.

  2. Sow outdoors from mid-spring to late summer, putting the different types of salad seed in rows. Sow thinly at 1cm (½in) deep. (You could also sprinkle a mixture of seed (most garden centres will sell packets of salad leaf mixes) lightly on the top of soil surface, then cover with about 1cm (½in) of compost.)

  3. Start to thin out some seedlings as the seed grows by removing with your thumb and forefinger to give more room for the plants to develop. Don’t let the thinned-out seedlings go to waste – eat them now in salads!

You will usually be able to cut the salad leaves three or four times. This means that the secret to having salad leaves all summer long is to sow several times about a fortnight apart. Once you finish with one crop, you can start on the next.

Even as we head into autumn, it’s worth knowing you can grow salad leaves on a windowsill all year round. Try mixing different leaves in seed trays. Oriental varieties are best for winter use. Grow in September and they’ll last you till March.

You can download this super -simple lunch idea HERE – perfect for the warm weather and the ideal excuse to use your home grown salad leaves!

P.S. Are you stuck in a cycle of emotional eating, bingeing or yo-yo dieting and need to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food?

Come and join us in the FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, Facebook community- a safe place where you can question, share, learn + feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. I share tips, simple recipe, meal, and snack ideas along with strategies, motivation and supportive practices within the group and its FREE to join!