How Caroline found food and body freedom

When Caroline first approached me for help, she felt she was continually ‘fighting with food’ and the way she looked made her unhappy.

She had followed a variety of diets where food groups were forbidden and was stuck in a perpetual cycle of restricting and mindless eating, feeling increasingly frustrated with herself.

When we began working together, Caroline was soon able to reset her ‘all or nothing’ mindset and break down her habit loops and trigger patterns. Caroline began to connect to her hunger, fullness and satiety cues, discovered the foods that would support her physiology and metabolism and reduce cravings. There were some true light bulb moments; she was excited to realise she had rediscovered the joy in eating, no longer wanting to be as good as the scales tell her and be able to get on with her life!

This is what she had to say about her experience:

I was miserable and reached a point where I knew that I needed someone with expertise to help me. It was more than my weight which was bothering me. It had gone beyond that. My mind had taken over and was wretched.  I found Marcelle via searching on Google and everything she'd written about herself made me feel confident that I was going to get the help I needed. The first consultation with her compounded that I'd not only found help, but found someone I knew I would like. 

It's been a gradual journey. At the beginning for me, it was all about the weight and food but the more we had sessions together, the more I realised that we were working on my attitude towards myself. I was being helped to like myself, to accept myself and to look at the good parts of me instead of letting my weight do the judging for me.

I'd highly recommend Marcelle. She manages to combine running an extremely professional practice whilst being warm and reassuring. It's been a really important journey for me and I'm so glad I chose her.”

A true transformation, I'm sure you'll agree!

If this is something you struggle with, then my Un-diet your Mind 21 day course will help you to transition from food anxiety, restriction and endless dieting to a more a balanced approach to food. I will be with you every step of the way, so you feel supported and motivated to begin the process of long-lasting change. Today is the last chance to enrol and the course starts tomorrow (Monday 1st November)

Check out all the course info + enrol HERE

It's going to be amazing, get started on your journey to build a happy relationship with food.

Click the button below to see all the course details and enrol now!