How to ditch all-or-nothing thinking around food and exercise

Do you often have thoughts like these:

“I’ve had one, so I may as well finish the pack.”

“I didn’t do my work out today so I may as well just keep eating the chocolate today and start again tomorrow.”

Or perhaps last supper thoughts like these “I’m going on a diet tomorrow so I’m having one final blowout today.”

Most of my clients struggle with these inner thoughts (also known as black and white thinking) before they start working with me. If you are someone who thinks like this much of the time, you will always be at risk of awakening your ‘inner rebel’ and beginning the detrimental cycle again.

So you’re stuck in this cycle what can you do about it?

1. If you tell yourself you cannot have a specific food, it will undoubtedly lead to extreme deprivation feelings resulting in excessive cravings and more than likely, binging. Avoid restricting food intake to ‘make up for previous binges’ or ‘keeping going’ with the same unhelpful eating behaviour for the rest of the day.

2. Give yourself permission to eat something you feel like without judgement. If you do choose to eat something previously on your forbidden list then eat it slowly, mindfully, calmly. This way you will savour the flavour and take real joy from your food.

3. Avoid referring to foods as good or bad, forbidden or allowed. If you need to label them then helpful and less helpful are the best phrases to use. Helpful foods are those that support our physiology so that we crave less, feel satiated after a meal and provide countless other well-being benefits. Accept that all foods eaten in moderation can be part of a balanced and healthy diet.

Many of my clients tell me that rewiring these thoughts is a revelation for them, they feel liberated from the never-ending thoughts that have prevailed around food and dieting.

Are you ready to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food? Come and join me in the FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, Facebook community- a safe place where you can question, share, learn + feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. I will be sharing tips, simple recipe, meal, and snack ideas along with strategies, motivation and supportive practices and its free to join!

It’s time to release yourself from the shackles of diet culture + empower yourself to create positive change in your life