new year resolutions

Forget resolutions – try this instead

new year's resolutions

As 2022 draws to a close, my focus is on beginning this new year with a positive sense of purpose.

Here are a few things to reflect on that I hope you might find useful:


  • Enjoy quality time with your loved ones – spend time with the people that bring positive energy rather than those who zap you.

     Avoid making new year’s resolutions –(around 80% of these fail leaving you feeling like a failure! They are often unrealistic and create unnecessary pressure. Instead reflect back on the year – what has worked well for you this year? (and even if you don’t feel that anything has, look for any small wins you have had).  What has been challenging? What is your vision for the coming year -what would you like to achieve / work towards? Then decide where you want to focus your energy and time this coming year.

  • This brings me to my final thought – if shrinking your body has been your focus last year – and it has kept you feeling anxious, miserable and trapped in a cycle of restriction, what is your true purpose for the year ahead and beyond? Will a smaller body really solve all your problems? What will REALLY make you happy?

If you are you struggling with your eating and your relationship with food + your body, head over to The Food Freedom Collective free group, for daily support and weekly live videos to tackle your challenges

If any of these resonate then this community is for you :

💠You are on and off diets all the time

💠You find yourself binge eating

💠You are an ‘emotional eater’

💠You restrict food in order to lose weight

💠 You can’t stop thinking about your weight, appearance or food

💠 You feel overwhelmed and confused no longer knowing what you ‘should’ eat

Wishing you a happy and healthy New year

 Marcelle x