Georgina's Journey to Food and Body freedom

food freedom

This week I’m delighted to bring to you a short interview with a former client about her challenges with food and her body. Within our conversation, she discusses how she was able to create transformative change in her life leading to numerous unexpected benefits.

She consistently held the belief that change was unattainable for her—a belief that you might also share. Even at the beginning of the process, she doubted that it would ever be possible to find peace with food and her body.

I think you’ll find her journey both motivating and inspirational. And I want you to know this is possible for you too.

Ready to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and making peace with food?

Start by downloading my FREE guide, 'Breaking the Cycle - Your First Steps to Healing Your Relationship with Food.'

This structured 4 step guide is an essential resource for anyone who suffers from emotional or disordered eating.

This invaluable resource will help you:

✔️Understand the best way to structure your eating routine

✔️Develop a better understanding of your body’s appetite cues 

✔️Navigate snacking to help you reduce cravings and feel satiated

✔️Use the journaling pages (included) to gain a deeper understanding of your eating behaviour, thoughts and emotions 

Also included: 

✔️My free appetite tool 

✔️My free journaling pages

✔️Snack ideas

