New Year, New Perspective; Escaping the January Diet Trap

new year, new perspective

Christmas day has come and gone – the day when we are told to indulge. The final opportunity to ‘allow’ yourself to relish chocolates, cakes, biscuits and whatever else is on offer without restraint. Very soon you’ll be heading into the month of deprivation hopping back on to the diet hamster wheel. Sound familiar?

And yes, it is important to be able to enjoy treats, alongside to the foods that will sustain you -keep you energised and optimise your health. Allowing yourself complete freedom to eat these foods at any time of the year will decrease your desire for them and reduce the likelihood of binge behaviours.

Diet culture opposes this notion.

The diet and fitness industry heavily invests in the ‘New Year- New You’ narrative – after all it contributes to the industry’s multi-billion-pound bank balance. It benefits them when we overindulge over Christmas, feel bad about it, and are quickly  propelled headfirst into the next dieting regime.

At this time of year, we are bombarded with a deluge of this messaging, and it’s everywhere. The before and after images, the promises of dropping a dress size or shedding pounds so that you can finally be ‘good enough’ and everything will come right in your life. And I get it – this narrative is powerful.

My message to you is different. Protect yourself from the misery that dieting brings. If you’ve been there before then don’t expect a different outcome by returning down that same path. We know that dieting doesn’t bring lasting results. Your body has inbuilt regulation mechanisms to slow your metabolism and amplify your hunger when you try to restrict. It’s not that you have failed in the past; rather, it's the diets themselves that have let you down.

This January can be different for you. There is a way to create balance in your life. and dieting and restriction prevents that.

Start here and now by downloading my FREE guide, 'Breaking the Cycle - Your First Steps to Healing Your Relationship with Food.'

This structured 4 step guide is an essential resource for anyone who suffers from emotional or disordered eating.

This invaluable resource will help you:

✔️Understand the best way to structure your eating routine

✔️Develop a better understanding of your body’s appetite cues 

✔️Navigate snacking to help you reduce cravings and feel satiated

✔️Use the journaling pages (included) to gain a deeper understanding of your eating behaviour, thoughts and emotions 

Also included: 

✔️My free appetite tool 

✔️My free journaling pages

✔️Snack ideas

<<<I work with a small number of clients each month to give them the maximum support for a minimum of 6 months to help them transform their life. If you are struggling with your relationship with food, book in a complimentary call HERE to see how I can help >>>