
Punchy Parsnips!

Parsnips belong to the same family as parsley, celery and carrots and have a distinct sweet flavour that adds depth to many dishes. Surprisingly, parsnips are also packed with a number of health promoting nutrients.

Parsnips are high in soluble fibre which provides many health benefits. High fibre in the diet is associated with a lower risk of diabetes, reduced blood cholesterol and helps prevent against heart disease. The high levels of soluble fibre also allow you to feel full up, by preventing the release of the hunger hormone ‘ghrelin’. The fibre in parsnips will also contribute to a healthy and efficient digestive system.

Additionally, parsnips contain folate which is essential for nervous system health and can reduce the risk of depression. It is also vital for preventing neural tube birth defects in infants. 

Parsnips contain good levels of the mineral potassium, which can help to reduce the risk of strokes and high blood pressure. It is essential for the skeletal system and our smooth muscle function.

Furthermore, nutrients including vitamin C and E provide great antioxidant support helping to ‘mop up’ unwanted circulating free radicals. Additionally, vitamin C provides benefits for the skin, bone, teeth, blood vessels and immune system. Be sure to eat parsnips while fresh to benefit from the higher vitamin C content. 

Enjoy parsnips pureed, mashed or roasted and include in soups, stews or a warm hearty salad.


My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

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What's so special about courgette?

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Courgette also known as zucchini is a member of the summer squash family. It has some amazing health benefits; helping to balance blood sugar levels, supports eye health and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Recent studies have indicated that courgette is one of the riches sources of a number of health supporting carotenoids. The skin of the courgette is particularly packed with these nutrients which are especially beneficial for eye health.

Nutrients including folate, choline, zinc and magnesium and vitamins B6, B1, B2 and B3 all contribute to the blood sugar balancing benefits of courgette. Additionally, courgette is high in dietary fibre and the seeds contain omega 3 fatty acids, which further enhance these properties. By aiding insulin regulation, this combination of nutrients may offer protection against diabetes.

Courgette contains excellent levels of the mineral manganese and high levels of vitamin C which contribute to its antioxidant benefits. The omega3 fatty acids in the seeds provide anti-inflammatory benefits especially notable for the gastro-intestinal tract and cardio-vascular system.

Courgette is extremely versatile and can be grated onto salads, pureed into a creamy vegetable soup or used in chunks in a ratatouille or minestrone soup. It can be tossed into a frittata, used as courgette ribbons instead of pasta or sliced into crudités to serve with a tahini dip. Steaming or healthy sautéing in water helps retain most of the courgette’s fantastic nutrients.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

Legendary lettuce

Is lettuce just the base of your salad or the crunch in your sandwich? Surprisingly, lettuce varieties contain a wide range of nutrients and including a combination of these in your diet will offer plenty of health benefits.

Each lettuce variety has its own phytonutrients and these are dictated by the colour pigments they contain. Phytonutrients provide us with unique health properties. For example green leaf lettuce contains quercetin; which can have anti-histamine effects and help prevent heart disease. Red leaves contain cyanidins, which are helpful with conditions such as diabetes and high cholesterol. 

Romaine lettuce is particularly rich in nutrients. It is an excellent source of vitamin K and vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids) and is also rich in folate and molybdenum amongst many others.

The vitamin K content is particularly important for maintaining healthy bones, blood clotting and preventing heart disease. Additionally the carotenoids are vital for promoting eye health, the immune system and normal cell growth and development.

So don’t just use lettuce as a garnish; it is delicious roasted, made in to Asian style wraps, puréed in to a smooth soup or braised with peas, onions and lemon juice.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter atwww.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk

Super Sweet Potato

These magnificent vegetables are delicious, versatile and packed with nutrients  including vitamins C, B5, B6,and minerals manganese and copper to name but a few. However, the sweet potato is most notable for its exceptionally high beta-carotene content which provides us with over 100% of our daily beta-carotene requirements!
The beta-carotene and vitamin C content are particularly beneficial for our eye health, decreasing the risk of macular degeneration (AMD).Both are powerful antioxidants that can inhibit the detrimental effects of free radicals and help to optimise immune function.

The high fibre content of the sweet potato can help to keep blood sugar balanced. In addition, recent research suggests that sweet potato can increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone produced by our fat cells. This hormone aids insulin utilisation and can help to reduce the risk of the development of diabetes.
Steaming sweet potato, allows for optimum retention of nutrients and the inclusion of a little good fat, such as a drizzle of olive oil, can improve the absorption of beta-carotene.
Sweet potatoes are fabulous roasted and sweet potato wedges are always a winner with the kids! Simply enjoyed baked in the oven (like a baked potato), sweet potatoes can also be blended into soups and chopped into stews. You can even try sweet potato muffins to add a sweet, savoury mouth watering touch to any meal.

My weekly ‘Nutritional Nugget’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you are interested in reading more ‘Nutritional Nuggets’, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my monthly newsletter at www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk