Struggle with compulsive eating? What you need to know about hyper-palatable foods


Ever tried to eat a crisp and stop at one? Like many processed foods, crisps contain a combination of carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, salt and often sugar that affect our brain-reward circuitry. They overpower our appetite signals that tell us when we’re full. These foods have been coined hyper-palatable foods, by researchers studying their powerful effects.

Most processed foods commonly consumed in Europe and the US, meet the hyper-palatable food criteria. This was defined and accepted in 2019 by researcher’s who came up with specific quantities and proportions within processed foods that have the ability to affect our brain chemistry in this way.

Professor Fazzino and his team conducted a study that found that food companies have well designed formulas for foods to increase the amount we eat. The scientists believe they can activate our brain neuro-circuits in a similar way to cocaine. The researchers also discovered that these foods may have the ability to overcome our satiety and fullness signals that tell us when to stop eating.

I would forgive you for thinking foods labelled low or reduced sugar, fat or salt would not qualify in this rather special food category. However, the same study found that 49% of such foods also met the criteria. Understandably it feels almost impossible for most to navigate the food isles and avoid these brain hacking food products.

Most people I work with to overcome compulsive and emotional eating feel guilty and blame themselves, they feel society blames them for having no will power, failing at diets and not being ‘good’ enough. However, the battle is so much more complex than having will power. The addictive nature of these foods is one of the many components making it so hard.

If this is your struggle, I want you to know you are not alone. I work with people just like you, who need a new approach to gaining balance and moderation in their life. I will help you to take back control without feeling deprived or hungry.

I developed The Food Freedom Method online coaching programme, after working with hundreds of women who shared your pain. It looks at how, what and why you eat, incorporating nutritional therapy, coaching and the psychology of emotional eating.

My proven 8 step method will coach you through the process giving you all the tools you need to finally overcome the cycle of overeating and dieting. It will help you shed the layers of shame and guilt and be able to accept yourself. You will discover how to make sense of what your brain and body are going through, feel supported and empowered.

If you are ready to transform your life, join the waiting list to gain access to the special, one-time only launch price and find out more