free workshop

'Diet-free your life' - FREE on-line workshop

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Free on-line workshop for women struggling with yo-yo dieting, binge + emotional eating.

Discover the key mistakes most women make when it comes to their challenges around food, the 3 little-known reasons why dieting may not be working for you and I’ll show you what I teach my clients to successfully do instead.


Choose from one of the following 45 minute sessions:

7.30pm Tuesday 19th October

1pm Thursday 21st October

7.30pm Wednesday 27th October

⭐️I would love you to join live but if you can’t make it be sure to register HERE to receive the recording ⭐️

About your coach…..

I’m Marcelle -BANT Registered Nutritionist + Health Coach with specialist training in eating disorders and eating distress ( Master Practitioner qualified - National Centre for Eating Disorders)

I specialise in helping women beat binge eating, emotional eating and yo- yo dieting for good so they can make peace with their body and heal their relationship with food so they are able to live life to the fullest.

I’m looking forward to joining you 💜

If you can’t make it live be sure to still register to receive the recording. Register by clicking the button below