supportive community

Is it possible to accept your body but still want to change it?

This week in my Facebook community, I explained the true meaning of body acceptance and talked through a simple exercise to help you find the relevant answer for you - we are complex beings and there is not a one-size-fits-all for this!

I have had some great feedback about this video training from some of the community members. so I thought I would share it with you. I will be continuing this conversation in my community this Monday. So if you're not already a member come and join us HERE

NB. If you are already inside the community, but don’t see my posts, please set your notifications to ‘all posts’ ( not ‘show highlights’) and you are less likely to miss helpful information.

*Catch up on the video below*

I record weekly live videos and provide daily motivation in the Food Freedom Collective community where you will be amongst like-minded women who get what you're going through.