Corporate Workshops/ Webinars

For organisations wishing to  improve the well being of their staff. These can be generalised healthy eating workshops or specific workshops such as  'Optimising Energy' and  'How to Reduce the Impact of Stress'. Please contact me for more details.

Specialised Group Programmes/Workshops

I regularly run small informal group workshops specialising in a particular topic. These include:

  • Children’s Health

  • Family Meal planning

  • Menopausal Support

  • Thyroid Support

  • Pregnancy and beyond

  • Hormone balancing

  • Conquer sugar cravings naturally

  • Immune boosting strategies

Find out more about my group workshops & programmes

Please contact me for details about future workshops. Alternatively, I can arrange private workshops for small groups who are interested in a particular topic.

I have suffered with arthritis for many years, mainly in my hands and neck. It is something that has caused me quite a bit of pain and discomfort, and I’ve always assumed that it will only get worse as I get older.

After my consultations with Marcelle, I have realised that there are practical, easy steps I can take to alleviate my pain and hopefully slow down the progression of my arthritis. I now have a greater awareness of what foods I should avoid which aggravate my condition; what foods I should be eating that help; and especially how I should cook these foods to get the best out of their healing properties.

Marcelle’s consultations were insightful into where I could improve my diet, and they undoubtedly helped me to understand how the food I eat can affect, both positively and negatively, my wellbeing and my pain.

I have come away with simple things that have been easy to integrate into my daily life which I’m very happy to say are continuing to make a big difference for me.

Thank you Marcelle for your warmth and encouragement to show me that change is possible through what we eat.
— HH, Female Retired, Aged 77