make peace with your body

What would you give up to be the ‘perfect’ body size?

Almost 50% of women of all shapes and sizes said they would trade a year of their life rather than be over-weight when asked in a survey. And up to 30% said they would give up their partner, having children or become an alcoholic for the perfect body size. These alarming stats tell us how deeply ingrained weight stigma has rooted itself in our society.

How is it that for many women their body size, weight or shape has become the predominant means of measuring what they are worth? Why is it that the number on the scales has been prioritised by women over their mental, physical and emotional health?

But it’s the constant preoccupation of these thoughts and the resulting stress response in the body, that may actually be leading to weight gain in addition to an unhealthy relationship with food. This cycle will then just continue throughout their entire life.

I sometimes ask my clients to think about how they would want to be remembered, what their legacy will be. Would they be happy with ‘She managed to stay thin’ on their gravestone? Morbid I know, but it certainly makes them think.

 If you are a chronic dieter, have battles with binge eating or restrict your food, do you want to be thinking the same harmful thoughts in 20, 40 or 60 years’ time?

 Or are you ready to reclaim your life from the misery and struggle that this mindset brings?

 If you need some support with this don’t battle with it alone. It is possible to find food freedom and create balance in your mind and your life.

This is the last chance to join my Undiet your Mind 21 day course. So for the cost of a just few takeaways, you can learn a new approach to eating so you can develop sustainable habits with confidence and let go of dieting for good.

 It’s starting tomorrow and enrolment ends tonight! Check out all the course info + enrol HERE

Alternatively Book in a complimentary call HERE to find out how I can help you with my signature one to one programmes.


Super summer lunch recipe + how to grow your own in 3 simple steps

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Summer is up and running now, and there’s nothing better than having fresh salad leaves to add to your meal. You’ll have no excuses for running out if you grow your own and the flavours are far superior from anything you’ll buy from the supermarket.

The most common crop is lettuce but there are a host of other salad leaves: chicory, endive, sorrel, spinach, mizuna, mibuna, rocket and mustard. They’re called cut-and-come-again. Simply keep cutting immature leaves and more re-grow!


  1. Grow salad leaves in full sun, making sure the soil is well-drained.
    They are particularly well suited to growing in containers or growbags. Ensure whatever you use has drainage holes at the bottom to prevent the soil getting flooded. You can also sow salad leaves in the garden straight into the beds.

  2. Sow outdoors from mid-spring to late summer, putting the different types of salad seed in rows. Sow thinly at 1cm (½in) deep. (You could also sprinkle a mixture of seed (most garden centres will sell packets of salad leaf mixes) lightly on the top of soil surface, then cover with about 1cm (½in) of compost.)

  3. Start to thin out some seedlings as the seed grows by removing with your thumb and forefinger to give more room for the plants to develop. Don’t let the thinned-out seedlings go to waste – eat them now in salads!

You will usually be able to cut the salad leaves three or four times. This means that the secret to having salad leaves all summer long is to sow several times about a fortnight apart. Once you finish with one crop, you can start on the next.

Even as we head into autumn, it’s worth knowing you can grow salad leaves on a windowsill all year round. Try mixing different leaves in seed trays. Oriental varieties are best for winter use. Grow in September and they’ll last you till March.

You can download this super -simple lunch idea HERE – perfect for the warm weather and the ideal excuse to use your home grown salad leaves!

P.S. Are you stuck in a cycle of emotional eating, bingeing or yo-yo dieting and need to make peace with your body and build a happy relationship with food?

Come and join us in the FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE, Facebook community- a safe place where you can question, share, learn + feel supported without judgement, comparison and shame. I share tips, simple recipe, meal, and snack ideas along with strategies, motivation and supportive practices within the group and its FREE to join!

Big Announcement

Big Announcement


~ you think about food, your body or weight 24/7

~ you are confused or have anxiety about what to eat

~ you have been on an endless pattern of dieting for many years of your life

~ you find yourself emotionally eating and bingeing

~ you feel trapped in a cycle you can’t get out of

~ you want to be part of a community of like-minded women who get you and what you’ve been going through

It’s time to free yourself from the shackles of diet culture and empower yourself to create positive change in your life!