6 Easy Steps to Beat the Party Season Bloat!

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We’re all prone to a little indulgence during the festive season, but rich food and overeating can play havoc with your digestion, leaving you bloated and uncomfortable. It’s not surprising – we consume on average 6,000 calories on Christmas Day alone. That’s three times the recommended daily intake for women!

There are a variety of reasons why the holidays create more tummy troubles than the rest of the year:

  • You often eat more than you usually would, putting pressure on the digestive system.

  • You might be drinking a lot more when you eat – whether it’s prosecco at a party or red wine on Christmas Day – and this dilutes stomach acid, making it harder to properly digest your food.

  • More rich, creamy foods than you’re used to can trigger heartburn or reflux or else make IBS symptoms worse.

Though festive food and drink can be tough on the digestive system, it doesn’t have to be this way. Just follow my expert tips to trouble-proof your tummy this Christmas.


The first step in the digestive process is often overlooked, but it’s a really important one. Known as the cephalic phase, it’s triggered when you see or smell food. You are literally whetting your appetite.

When you start thinking about the lovely meal you are going to prepare, you are getting your digestive juices flowing. The enzymes in your saliva help you break down your food more easily, so, when the time comes, your body is actually ready to start digesting food before you have even cut the first slice – never mind actually put anything in your mouth.

It may sound an incredibly simple step – and it is – but these days we are often so busy that we don’t make the time to think about our food in this way. If you find you’re always eating on the go, throwing a sandwich down your neck at your desk or having a TV dinner TV, this is a vital step you are missing out on. One trick is to be mindful and try and spend a few minutes thinking about your tasty lunch before you eat it to get the digestive juices going.


Remember what Mum used to say? Well, she was right! Chewing your food (the second phase of digestion) is key when it comes to good gut health. With proper chewing, you are mechanically breaking down the food into smaller pieces, so that there’s a greater surface area and the digestive enzymes can get to work more easily, doing their job.

And the bad news? If you’re not chewing properly, it’s highly likely that you’re not digesting your food properly. And that means you won’t be absorbing the vital nutrients either. Not chewing also means the food you eat takes much longer to break down, and, as it hangs around in your digestive system, it can start to ferment, causing uncomfortable wind, gas and bloating.

Don’t worry about chewing a certain number of times – that all depends on what you are eating and various other factors.

Instead try this test: chew your food enough so that if someone asked you to spit it out, they wouldn’t know what you had been eating. Another sign you need to chew more is if you start to see undigested food in your stools.


Sales for heartburn tablets are skyrocketing because so many people wrongly assume that their digestive troubles are because of too much stomach acid. What nutritionists like me find more frequently in clinic is the total opposite! Getting older, stress and some over-the-counter medications can make your stomach acid levels drop to the extent that you don’t produce enough to digest food sufficiently.

Why is this important? The stomach acid you produce not only kills any bacteria in the food you are eating, it also breaks down the protein in your meal. If you’re not properly digesting the protein element in food, it can start to ferment, creating gases that force up the esophageal sphincter muscle (a type of muscle flap) and what little stomach acid there is can escape. So the burning feeling, especially if accompanied by smelly gas, can be a sign your digestion isn’t working as well as it should be.

One solution is to have a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before each main meal. It’s important you choose apple cider vinegar with ‘mother’, rather than one you can buy in the supermarket (that’s for your chips).

There are people who genuinely produce too much stomach acid and, if you try the apple cider vinegar trick and it seems to make things worse, you can neutralise the acid by taking a little bicarbonate of soda.


Digestive enzymes break down our food into nutrients so our bodies can absorb them. But as we age, we naturally produce fewer of these helpful enzymes. You can counteract this by increasing your intake of foods that are higher in them – eating pineapple or papaya before a meal can help.

If you aren’t a fan of these fruits, instead try a digestive enzyme capsule (available from health food shops), which will give your system a gentle boost to help it do its job properly.


It’s important to space out your meals so the digestive system actually gets a chance to rest. This might require some self discipline, if your house is routinely full of bowls of nuts or towers of chocolate boxes.

Eating every 4-5 hours is a good benchmark to aim for, and gives the body enough time to completely digest the previous meal and have a break before you put it to work again. Of course there will be days when your eating routine falls out of whack, but don’t beat yourself up. Just try and get back on track the following day.


When you walk shortly after you’ve eaten, magic starts to happen. To start, a gentle walk lowers your blood sugar levels, so your body makes less insulin. As insulin is the fat-storage hormone, taking a gentle stroll for 15 minutes makes you less likely to store fat and gain weight. Walking can also help you digest your food better, according to research. This is because a gentle walk increases the speed at which the food moves through the digestive system.

Go ahead - try these tips out for yourself this festive season and see if any of your symptoms improve. If you have been struggling with digestive problems for a while, let’s book in a consultation call. I can help you understand what might be going on in your gut and take greater steps towards a resolution. You can book this at email@marcellerosenutrition.co.uk or 07961 166582



How to improve your mental health with what you eat


The World Health Organisation estimates that more than 300 million people suffer from depression and 260 million are living with anxiety disorders worldwide, many of these people live with both. As It is World Mental Health Day today , I wanted to share some simple dietary musts to optimise your mental health.


A diet high in refined sugar and processed foods can cause mood swings, low energy and inflammation as well as low immunity and poor digestion. All of these issues can have a negative impact on mental health.

Refined sugar and refined carbohydrates do not supply us with nutrients and will spike our blood sugar levels, furthermore they will use up the mood-enhancing B vitamins, which are needed to convert the sugar into energy.


This can be animal protein (fish, eggs, poultry and meat) or plant protein (nuts, seeds, quinoa, beans and lentils). A tablespoon of mixed seeds in your porridge is an example of how you could incorporate some protein into your breakfast

When we eat protein it is broken down into amino acids. These amino acids are used to make the brain's chemical messages, essential for the nervous system to work effectively. The neurotransmitter serotonin ( known as the 'happy hormone') for example cannot be produced by the body without the amino acid tryptophan.


Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, rocket, kale, chard, watercress and broccoli are high in folate. Deficiencies in this vitamin as with other B vitamins are associated with higher rates of depression, insomnia and fatigue.


We must obtain omega 3 fatty acids from our diet as our body cannot produce it by itself. The best sources of omega 3 are oily fish e.g. salmon sardines, anchovy’s mackerel and herring. Omega 3 fatty acids are also present in flax (linseed) and chia seeds. The seeds should be ground to benefit from their omega 3 content.

Omega 3 fatty acids from seeds and nuts need to be converted by the body to the form that the brain can use (DHA and EPA). Some people lack the specific enzymes to be able to make this conversion effectively. If you do not regularly consume oily fish, consider supplementing with a good quality Omega 3 fish oil supplement which has been tested for its purity. Vegan/vegetarian omega 3 supplements containing DHA and EPA, can also be obtained which are derived from algae.

These are just some of the ways you can improve your mental health with diet and nutrition. If you are feeling low, lacking in energy or need help with another health condition, please contact me to book a complementary 20 minute phone consultation on email@marcellerosenutrition.co.uk or 07961 166582, I would love to help

Super- easy bean burger recipe

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My whole family enjoy these (and even the meat eaters!) They are especially tasty topped with grilled halloumu, avocado and some salsa. This is one of the recipes from my Reboot Challenge programme starting today:


  • 1tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  •  1 x 400g tin black beans, rinsed and drained
  •  1tsp grated lime zest
  • 3/4tsp chili powder
  •  1/2tsp chopped fresh oregano
  •  pinch salt  
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 large egg white, lightly beaten
  • 1 slice gluten free or wholegrain bread
  • large lettuce leaves



1. Place bread slice in a food processor and pulse into crumbs – transfer to a bowl. Combine 1tsp oil, garlic, and beans in processor; pulse until beans make athick paste

2. Scrape bean mixture into bowl with breadcrumbs and stir in lime zest and remaining ingredients

3. With moistened hands, divide bean mixture into4 equal portions, shaping each into a 3-inch burger

4. Heat remaining oil in a large non-stick pan over medium-high heat

5.  Add burgers to pan; reduce heat to medium, and cook 4 minutes or until bottom edges are browned or alternatively just lightly brown in pan on both sides and then transfer to the oven for 5-10 minutes

6. Carefully turn over; cook 3 minutes or until bottom edges are done

7. Serve burgers, stacked with slices of tomato, avocado, onion and your sauce & salad

Its not too late to join my 40 day Reboot Challenge- there are still a few spaces left. Scroll down for more details or email me at email@marcellerosenutrition.co.uk

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Reset your metabolism, gain energy and get back into shape in just 40 days with my 'virtual' nutrition programme

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The Reboot Nutrition Programme will reset your metabolism and reboot your body after the ice creams and mojitos of the summer!

Accessible anytime, anywhere, via a Facebook group, this is a virtual programme  which you can manage to suit your busy schedule. I will guide and support you through the programme and you will learn how to eat healthily for the long term whilst still enjoying your food.

This is what you can expect:

✅A comprehensive, Reboot resource pack including food plan, with simple, tasty, family-friendly recipes. (Includes 69 pages of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack recipes- vegetarian/vegan options are available)

✅Membership of a private Facebook group for 24/7 expert support and motivation. I will be able to answer any questions you have and will be posting daily nutrition and motivational tips, to keep you focused and on-track each week. 

3 body composition analysis sessions with myself at the beginning, middle and end of the program to track your progress. This will be with a Tanita medically graded machine, as used by Dr Ranjan Chatterjee on BBC 1's Doctor in the House.  This machine will measure body fat percentage, visceral fat, muscle mass and metabolic age, with a high degree of accuracy.  This can be a great motivational tool whilst you are on the program to enable you to see improvements in your data

A one-to-one 20 minute Discovery Call with me.  You will be able to discuss any health and nutrition/dietary concerns that you may have.  This Discovery Call can be booked in at any time that is preferable during your programme.  

✅More energy, reduced sugar cravings, weight loss, fat loss!!

The programme starts on 25th September and is available for just £45

And if you would like to work on your fitness at the same time, you can go with the fitness Reboot Challenge package which includes all the above in addition to 6x 1 hour indoor bootcamp sessions (max 5 people per class) with with fitness expert Carlos from The Carlos Method, Finchley for just £139

If you have any questions or would like to book your place, please email me at email@marcellerosenutrition.co.uk or call me on 07961166582



15 of the best take-to-work, energising healthy snacks

When it comes to snacks (or any meal for that matter), it’s important to include some protein and fibre. Why? You need protein and fibre to keep your blood sugar stable, so you’ll have a constant supply of energy to get you through to lunch or your …

When it comes to snacks (or any meal for that matter), it’s important to include some protein and fibre. Why? You need protein and fibre to keep your blood sugar stable, so you’ll have a constant supply of energy to get you through to lunch or your evening meal. There’s also the small matter of the energy crash and I’m afraid, weight gain, when snacks cause blood sugar to spike. Unfortunately, many of the snacks we’d routinely eat fall into this latter category – including crisps, chocolate bars and many so-called healthy granola bars.

So what can you eat? What you pack for snack will depend on the facilities you have at work. No fridge? You’re going to want to pack your snacks every day from home. In practice, most of the people I see in clinic have access to a fridge. Perfect! This means you can keep small tubs of goodies like hummus and cottage cheese in the fridge and store bulkier items like rice cakes, oat cakes, jars of nut butters, assorted bags of nuts or protein bars in your desk drawer (that is what the big one bottom left is for, isn’t it?).


1) 2 oatcakes with sugar free cashew or almond nut butter (superior to peanut butter but, hey, if peanut’s all you’ve got, don’t worry)
2) Hummus with crudités like raw carrot, cucumber, cauliflower, peppers, courgette, celery – choose ones you like but go easy on the raw cauliflower if you have a thyroid problem
3) Fruit and nuts. An apple slices with nut butter of your choice (or if this is too messy for you, apple or pear and a small handful of nuts)
4) Small handful of seeds (pumpkin and sunflower) and a chunk of cheese no bigger than a small match box
5) 2 oat cakes with cottage cheese and tomato or cucumber slices
6) Berries and 4 walnuts
7) 2 squares of dark chocolate and an apricot
8) 5 olives and a mandarin
9) Nairn's ginger oat biscuit and 2 Brazil nuts
10) Small pot of Greek yoghurt with handful of raspberries
11) Roasted Kale chips with crushed cashew nuts
12) A handful of roasted chickpeas
13) Large handful of cherry tomatoes and 5 cubes of feta
14) Handful of homemade trail mix (your own mix of: seeds, nuts, toasted coconut strips and goji berries)
15) 2 seeded crackers (e.g Raw Health Flax and pumpkin seeds crackers) with cream cheese and cucumber

Whats you're favourite healthy snack?

If you would like to join in the conversation, join my new closed Facebook group Fuss-Free Healthy Eating https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/ for easy recipe ideas,sneaky tips and useful information

If you're not feeling your best and need some guidance, support and focus on your health and nutrition then contact me on 07961 166582 or email@marcellerosenutrition.co.uk to arrange a free discovery call. I would love to help.

Your 1st step to help combat sugar cravings

One of the first steps to tackling sugar cravings, is to ensure you are eating enough of the key sugar balancing nutrients within your diet.

Chromium is one of these special nutrients. It’s a mineral found in small amounts in many foods, however approximately 56% of the population is at risk of being chromium deficient.

Read on to discover the top chromium food sources, why chromium is so important for our health and a super- simple chromium rich recipe!


  • Vegetables ; broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms, pepper, green beans, Romaine lettuce, potato

  • Fruit; apple, tomatoes, prunes, banana

  • Wholegrains; barley, oats, whole wheat, rye

  • Beef, liver, eggs, chicken, oysters, lobster, shrimp, mussels

  • Other; black pepper, black strap molasses, brewer’s yeast

  • Beans; navy beans


  • Important for cholesterol regulation

  • Supports cardiovascular health

  • Promotes growth

  • Helps to prevent sugar cravings

  • Essential for blood sugar control

  • Improves eye health

  • Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes onset

  • Provides immune support


Porridge Oats with Banana and Grated Apple

  • Pour 40g of porridge oats in a saucepan and add 300ml of water, coconut milk, almond milk or organic milk.

  • Bring to the boil and simmer for a few minutes stirring continuously until it is the right consistency and serve into a bowl.

  • Add half a grated apple, half a sliced banana and sprinkle with cinnamon.

  • If you require extra sweetness add half a teaspoon of black strap molasses

Digestive problems ? Check out my new 21 day digestive rescue plan

If you’ve been following me on Facebook in the last week you might have noticed there’s been a bit of a theme going on – digestive health. If you have stuff going on ‘downstairs’ it can be a nightmare for sure. You really need to check out what’s in my brand new online programme; The 21 Day Digestion Rescue Plan at a brilliant no-brainer price of just £29.  

This is totally for you if you… Struggle with constipation or diarrhoea, cramps, bloating or belching, or if you’ve been wondering whether you might have some kind of food intolerance. And it’s also for you if you suffer from hayfever, eczema or other skin conditions, any kind of auto immune condition and more besides. 

The 21-day Digestion Rescue Plan is part information, part diet plan and it's designed to help you optimise your digestive health and improve your symptoms. It will also help you understand what other factors might be impacting on your symptoms and which tests might be relevant for you to consider.
The programme includes all you'll need to make an informed decision about what might be going on for you PLUS 21 days of easy-to-prepare meals and snacks for you to enjoy.
In this course you will learn:

  • • The root cause of your digestive issues
  • • What your digestive symptoms are telling you
  • • What foods to eat to heal
  • • How to eat for to improve your digestion and regain your energy
  • • Which tests might be relevant to resolve your gut issues

If you like what you see, click the link below and sign up and lets get you started!


Disclaimer: This course is not intended as a replacement for medical advice in any way. Always check with your GP or nutritional Therapist before making big changes to your diet or taking new supplements and if you have any concerns about symptoms. There are some symptoms you should always seek advice regarding. These include the following: persistent unexplained pain, unexplained bleeding or discharge, blood in vomit or stools, inability to gain or lose weight, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, fissures, black tarry stools.

8 ways to make healthy eating quicker, easier and stress-free!

Are you bored of preparing and eating the same meals week in and week out?

Whether you're cooking for family or just yourself, weekly meal planning is an effective way of ensuring that you are eating a balanced healthy diet and allows you to make the time to cook your meals from scratch.

Here are some useful tips to get you started:

1.    Make a fixed time to make your plan every week -it’s worth putting approximately half an hour aside on a Sunday evening (or when best works for you) 

2.    I find it easier to start with a flexible structure during the week e.g. Monday- meat, Tuesday -oily fish, Wednesday- vegetarian, Thursday eggs. I find that having a structure then allows me to start thinking about the different meals I can come up with for that week.

3.    It’s useful to start building a repertoire of recipes. If I see a recipe that looks interesting or has been recommended, I file it away under a section in a file and make a note of pages of recipes that I have tried from my own recipe book library which have been successful. This is really quick to do if you get in the habit.

4.    Planning your weekly means that you can ensure you’ve got the right ingredients in advance.  I find online grocery shopping really helps with this, so set a weekly time to do your online shop and you can always pick up any extra fresh produce when you find yourself near your local shop during the week.

5.    Weekly organic vegetable box schemes can provide you with inspiration to cook with new seasonal produce and often come with access to interesting recipe ideas. You can find out what’s coming in your box before it’s been delivered/ collected. Additionally check out what’s already in your fridge or larder to give you ideas on what to make.

6.    Work around activities such as the days you work late and different kid’s after school activities when putting the plan together. E.g. cooking a quick to prepare meal on busier days of the week and save the more labour intensive meals on the days when I have more time. Slow cookers are great for preparing the food the night before and leftovers of a roast can be made into a new meal for the next night. 

7.    If you are working full time, for example and have very little time during the week, allot yourself some time one evening a week or at weekends to do some batch cooking so you can start to store up some homemade meals for the freezer. You can also prep things in advance to keep in the fridge such as soups, stews and quinoa.

8.    Make it a family affair!  You could allow one family member to choose a favourite recipe for one day that week or ask an older child or partner to cook their special choice that day! Make it fun by asking your children to select a country or cultural theme to help them to expand their food choices and get them involved.

Many people tell me they are stuck in a rut and make the same meals week in and week out! I support my clients in planning like this and it has made all the difference! Weekly meal planning has allowed them to diversify their meals and expand recipe ideas. Their children have been encouraged try new foods and flavours which helps prevent them from limiting the foods they will eat in the future.
How do you plan your meals for the week?

If you would like to join in the conversation, join my new closed Facebook group  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/ for easy recipe ideas,sneaky tips and useful information

7 surprising reasons to include vitamin K rich food in your diet and how to do it!

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin, meaning that you need to include healthy fats in your diet to effectively absorb it. It’s found naturally in plants, however vitamin K2 is produced in the gut by your healthy bacteria!
The following foods are the best sources of vitamin K, however looking after your gut health is also key to maintaining good levels:

  • Dark green leafy vegetables; Spinach, kale, broccoli, watercress, Swiss chard, parsley
  • Other vegetables; asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, carrots, green peas, cucumber, tomatoes
  • Fruit; blueberries, grapes, kiwi
  • Soya beans
  • Oats
  • Fermented foods such as natto, sauerkraut, miso and tempeh are a good source of Vitamin K2


And this is why we need it!

1.    Vital for blood clotting (this process is essential to stop bleeding). Vitamin K is required for some of the clotting factors in our blood to work effectively.

2.    Crucial for building strong bones. Deficiencies in vitamin K are  associated with a greater risk of fracture. This is particularly important for women going through the menopause to bear in mind.

3.    Promotes healthy arteries and protects against cardio-vascular disease. Vitamin K has been shown in studies to protect the cells that line our veins and arteries.

4.    Important for brain cell repair, hence helping to optimise our memory and concentration and prevent cognitive decline as we age!

5.    Supports pancreatic beta cell function and therefore insulin production. Scientific studies have indicated that vitamin K can improve insulin resistance and therefore reduce the risk of diabetes.

6.    Anti cancer properties; studies have found that vitamin K may be helpful in fighting a number of different cancers.

7.    Reduces wrinkling of the skin and premature ageing. It’s believed that vitamin K prevents calcium from being deposited in your skin’s elastin fibres which can harden to cause wrinkles.

An easy vitamin K rich recipe idea...............

Cauliflower Tabbouleh
  • Combine the following ingredients in to a large salad bowl and serve (for approx 6-8 people)
  • 1 cauliflower (stalk and leaves removed) grated or blitzed in a food processor until resembles cous cous)
  • 4 medium tomatoes, 5 spring onions, 1 cucumber, 1 handful of mint leaves, 1 large bunch of flat leaf parsley all finely chopped
  • 5 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Juice of 2-3 lemons
  • Ground black pepper and Himalayan rock salt to taste

If you're not feeling your best and need some guidence, support and focus on your health and nutrition then give me a call. I would love to help. 07961 166582

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at the bottom of this page and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

You can also join my free Facebook Group-  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/ Click the link and then click ‘join’

10 reasons why we need iron in our diet and how to include it.

Iron is one of the best known minerals and can be obtained from many plant foods as well as animal products. It is vital to have the correct balance of iron in our diet. Many substances and health conditions can inhibit how we absorb iron. Conversely, there are a number of nutrients that will increase our absorption of iron. As iron is not easily eliminated, high levels can build up in the body. It is therefore essential to have your iron levels checked regularly if taking an iron supplement. 


  • To carry oxygen around the body
  • The formation of DNA
  • Function of some enzymes
  • Helps to protect our cells from damage
  • Supports thyroid function ( which controls our metabolism)
  • Prevention of anaemia
  • Energy production and prevention fatigue
  • Brain development and function
  • Healthy nails and hair
  • The function of our immune system


  • Dark green leafy vegetables: Parsley, broccoli,  spinach, Swiss chard, bok choy , kale
  • Other vegetables and fruit; asparagus, leeks, green peas, cauliflower, strawberries, black berries
  • Nuts and seeds; almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans sunflower seeds, sesame seeds
  • Beans and pulses; lentils, soy beans, chickpeas, lima beans, navy beans, black beans, kidney beans
  • Wholegrains; millet, brown rice, whole wheat
  • Animal products; beef liver, kidney, lean beef pork, lamb and eggs


Warming Swiss Chard and Lentil Soup
•    In a pan melt 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and add 1 chopped onion and sauté on a medium heat for around five minutes
•    Add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, 2 teaspoons of chopped thyme, season with Himalayan salt and pepper and stir
•    Add 1 cup of rinsed lentils,1 tin of chopped tomatoes and 5 cups of water, bring to the boil and then simmer for 15 minutes
•    Add the chopped chard stalks and cook for approximately 10 minutes
•     Add the chopped chard leaves and cook for another 15 minutes until all the ingredients are soft
•    Stir in 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, serve into bowls and drizzle with olive oil

My weekly ‘Nutrient Spotlight’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you're not feeling your best and need some guidence, support and focus on your health and nutrition then give me a call. I would love to help. 07961 166582

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at the bottom of this page and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

You can also join my free Facebook Group-  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/ Click the link and then click ‘join’


5 Healthy Ways to Spring Clean Your Diet!

Now that spring has arrived it’s a great time to start thinking about making those simple healthy changes that can make all the difference to your energy levels, reduce sugar cravings and get you back into shape ready for the summer. Read on to discover 5 healthy food swaps that are easy to do and tasty too!

And if you need something to kick start a healthier way of eating then I have the challenge for you!  My new 2 week challenge (called Get Lean Spring Clean)

  • It is an online programme that you can take part in, from the comfort of your home

  • With access to a 54 page illustrated meal plan with easy to prepare tasty food options. (There will be no calories or points to count and no extra books/ drinks to buy)

  • AND you will have the bonus of daily support from a qualified Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach via a closed private Facebook group.

  • Most importantly this will get you on track so you can enjoy eating healthily for the long term, unlike faddy crash diets that are not maintainable.

The start date is Monday 8th May
Cost is £45. Early bird price of £40 available if you book by Tuesday 2nd May
To reserve your slot email me at email@marcellerosenutrition.co.uk , Call on 07961 166582
 or PM on Facebook
Places are limited to ensure I can support you in the best way possible


1.       Swap cous cous for quinoa.

Cous cous like other refined grains, will be quickly digested into simple sugar and absorbed straight into your blood stream; this can cause spikes in your blood sugar levels which will then quickly crash. Quinoa is considered a whole grain but is actually a seed. It is rich in fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals and is gluten free!

2.       Swap refined white pasta for courgetti.

Courgette is rich in a number of nutrients including folate, zinc, magnesium and vitamin C as opposed to white pasta which contains few nutrients and will cause blood sugar levels to spike too. Spiralised courgette makes a filling alternative to pasta to accompany any kind of pasta sauce. And the secret to not getting soggy courgetti? Just add the sauce to raw spiralised courgette; adding the hot sauce will steam it just enough so it is warm andthe perfect texture!

3.       Swap crisps for kale chips.

Kale chips are easy to make yourself in the oven at a low heat (70 °) or in a dehydrator . Wash kale thoroughly and dry, remove the stalks and chop the kale, melt some coconut oil in a baking tray and coat the kale. Add a sprinkle of Himalayan rock salt or sea salt, pepper, crushed cashews, sesame seeds and nutritional yeast flakes. Put in the oven and keep checking the kale taking out the crispy bits so they don’t burn. Kale is rich in minerals vitamins and anti-oxidants and so it is important to keep the oven at a low heat to retain it’s wonderful nutrients.

4.       Swap white rice for cauliflower rice.

This is surprisingly filling and nutrient dense too!  Blitz cauliflower in the blender (or grate) until it resembles rice sized pieces. Heat some coconut oil in a pan and add some crushed garlic, turmeric, cumin, paprika, ground coriander, salt and pepper. Add a few tablespoons of broth, stock or water. Place the lid on and allow the cauli to steam on a low heat. Keep checking to see when softened and stir in some fresh chopped coriander to serve. White rice is another refined carbohydrate which has had it’s fibre and nutrients stripped during processing; whereas cauliflower will provide you with wonderful health benefits and should keep you fuller for longer!

5.       Swap chips for roasted sweet potato wedges.

Making the swap to sweet potatoes as a whole will offer you a myriad of health benefits including immune support and healthy eyes and will help with blood sugar control.  Simply chop the sweet potato into narrow wedges, place on a baking tray with some melted coconut oil and season and bake for 15-20 mins at 200°c.

You will find many more healthy ideas on my Get Lean Spring Clean Challenge!

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at the bottom of this page and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

You can also join my free Facebook Group-  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/ Click the link and then click ‘join’

Do you over-do the chocolate eggs at Easter?

If you are the kind of person who KNOWS you will have a problem with the Easter binge then keep an eye out for my Get Lean Spring Clean 2 week challenge. It's an on line programme with access to an illustrated meal plan of over 50 pages of easy to prepare tasty food options. It also includes daily support from a qualified Nutritional Therapist via a closed private Facebook group. At an early bird price of £40 (usual price £45) it's a steal! It will provide you with the kick start you need! Contact me for more details and to book your place. ( call or email 07961166582  email@marcellerosenutrition.co.uk )

Places will be limited to ensure I can support you in the best way possible.

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

You can also join my free Facebook Group-  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/ Click the link and then click ‘join’

Essential for sleep, making serotonin and curbing sugar cravings; here's some easy ways to get this nutrient in to your diet

Tryptophan is an amino acid, one of the building blocks of protein

What is it important for?

  • Necessary for the production of vitamin B3
  • Needed for serotonin production ( low levels are associated with depression and anxiety)
  • Required for melatonin production; vital for sleep and our circadian rhythm
  • Suppresses sweet cravings and appetite
  • Important for the growth and development of nerve cells
  • Stimulates the production of blood proteins in the liver

Did you know…...?

Tryptophan is one of the amino acids that cannot be made by the body and must be consumed through diet.

So how can we include it in our daily diet?

Virtually all foods that contain protein will contain tryptophan

  • Vegetables and fruit; bananas, broccoli, spinach, watercress, asparagus, mushrooms
  • Beans ; soy beans, mung beans
  • Seeds and nuts; almonds , sesame seeds, chia seeds
  • Meat and fish; turkey, chicken, lamb, salmon , halibut
  • Wholegrains; oats

Try an easy tryptophan rich night time snack to help with sleep ...............


  • Oat cakes with cottage cheese sprinkled with sesame seeds
  • Oat, almond milk and banana smoothie
  • Warm edamame beans ( soy beans) with sesame oil and sesame seeds

My weekly ‘Nutrient Spotlight’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you're not feeling your best and need some guidence, support and focus on your health and nutrition then give me a call. I would love to help. 07961 166582

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

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What you didn't know about calcium!

What is it important for?

  • Bones and teeth
  • Required for muscle contraction
  • Blood pressure regulation
  • Nerve transmission
  • Involved in blood clotting
  • Aids the cell membrane control the movement of substances in and out of its cell
  • Maintenance of blood pH and electrolyte balance
  • Muscle contraction and function
  • Regulation of hormone release
  • Cell division regulation
  • Involved in heart beat regulation

Did you know…...? 

Calcium makes up between 1-2% of an adult’s body weight!

So how can we include it in our daily diet?

Many non-dairy foods are rich in calcium; so you can be dairy- free and still get plenty into your diet!

  • Dark green leafy vegetables including kale, collard leaves, parsley, watercress, broccoli ( spinach though rich in calcium, contains oxalates which reduces its absorption)
  • Beans; soy beans
  • Seeds and nuts;  almonds , Brazil nuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
  • Wholegrains; buckwheat
  • Sardines (with bones) tinned wild salmon ( with bones!), tofu
  • Dairy; goats milk, cow’s milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt, cheese

An easy calcium rich recipe idea...............

Crispy Kale Chips
  • Wash and chop kale removing the really thick stems, 
  • Dry the kale properly- gently pat dry a clean tea towel
  • Melt some coconut oil in a baking tray and coat the kale
  • Add a sprinkle of Himalayan rock salt or sea salt, pepper, crushed almonds, sesame seeds and nutritional yeast flakes
  • Put in oven on a very low heat ( approx 70 degrees) 
  • Keep checking the kale and take out the crispy bits so they don’t burn
  • Crispy kale chips can be made in a dehydrator instead of the oven.

My weekly ‘Nutrient Spotlight’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you're not feeling your best and need some guidence, support and focus on your health and nutrition then give me a call. I would love to help. 07961 166582

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

You can also join my free Facebook Group-  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/


Ever heard of this immune, thyroid and cardio-vascular supporting antioxidant?

Selenium is an essential trace mineral and powerful antioxidant

What is it important for?

  • Supports normal thyroid function
  • Anti- cancer properties
  • Antioxidant protection
  • Improves quality of sperm
  • Cardio-vascular support
  • Helps to regulate cholesterol
  • Important for DNA repair
  • Reduces heavy metal toxicity in the body
  • Immune function support
  • Important for the production of some of protein’s building blocks in the body

Did you know…...?

Other nutrients including vitamin B, C, E and zinc improve selenium’s effectiveness and visa versa 

So how can we include it in our daily diet?

  • Vegetables and fruit; red Swiss chard, turnips and other root vegetables, garlic mushrooms,       radishes courgettes, cabbage , carrots, banana
  • Nuts and seeds; brazil nuts (one of the best sources), pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, cashew         nuts, sesame seeds, flax seeds
  • Beans and pulses; green beans, kidney
  • Wholegrains; oats,  barley,  brown rice
  • Sardines , salmon, herring, Cod oysters, lamb, beef liver, chicken, turkey, egg

An easy selenium rich recipe idea...............

No- Fuss Brown Rice Risotto
  • Heat a knob of butter and add one chopped onion
  • Sautee for 5 minutes  and add 375g sliced mushrooms
  • Cook for a further 5 minutes and add 2 cloves of crushed garlic
  • After a few minutes add 1 ½ cups brown short grain rice, keep stirring
  • Add 4 cups of broth or stock ( keep 1 additional cup of stock back), bring to the boil             and then simmer covered for about 40 minutes
  • During this time keep topping up with last cup of stock a little at a time and keep                 stirring
  • Add 1 cup grated parmesan, 2 teaspoons of tamari, salt and pepper and complete with         2 handfuls of finely chopped Swiss chard
  • Stir in the chard, remove pan from heat and serve

My weekly ‘Nutrient Spotlight’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you're not feeling your best and need some guidence, support and focus on your health and nutrition then give me a call. I would love to help. 07961 166582

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

You can also join my free Facebook Group-  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/


This essential vitamin is vital for our brain health, nervous system and red blood cell production

Vitamin B9 is an essential B complex vitamin that naturally occurs as folate. The synthetic form of this, found in supplements and fortified foods is known as folic acid.


What is it important for?

Brain and nervous system support

The production of chemical messages in the brain

Wide-ranging cardiovascular support

Red blood cell production

DNA repair

The prevention of neural tube defects in newborns


Helping with mood disorders such as depression

Helping to prevent fatigue and memory loss

The conversion of carbohydrates in to fuel


Did you know…...?

Conditions including Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and celiac disease can cause B9 deficiency and some medications can reduce the levels of B9 absorption in the body.


So how can we include it in our daily diet?

Dark leafy green vegetables; spinach, kale, broccoli, bok choi, parsley

Other vegetables and fruit; cauliflower, asparagus, brussel sprouts, peas, papaya

Beans and pulses; lentils, mung, lima, kidney , navy , chickpeas and soy beans

Wholegrains; barley


An easy vitamin B9 rich recipe idea...............

Irresistible B9 rich bean soup
Heat a pan and add some coconut oil or butter
Add one chopped onion, 2 sliced celery stalks, 1 clove of crushed garlic and 2 sliced  carrots to the pan and sauté gently until the onions have become transparent
Add 1 cup of pre-soaked navy (haricot) beans and stir in 1 litre of vegetable stock a tablespoon of tomato paste,  a few handfuls of fresh chopped parsley , and season
Cover and simmer for approx 1 ½ hours
Serve as is or blend in a food processor; then top each bowl with another handful of chopped parsley

My weekly ‘Nutrient Spotlight’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you're not feeling your best and need some guidence, support and focus on your health and nutrition then give me a call. I would love to help. 07961 166582

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

You can also join my free Facebook Group-  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/


Have you heard of this anti-cancer, antioxidant, liver detoxifying mineral?

 Molybdenum is a trace mineral essential for a variety of important functions within the body.

What is it important for?

Anti- cancer properties

Antioxidant support

Liver detoxification

Helps to prevent tooth decay

Important for fertility

Required for the activity of some enzymes in the body

Connective tissue development ( ligaments, cartilage etc)

Breaking down fats

Regulation of iron within the body

Helps to prevent yeast and fungal infections

Needed to convert sulphite to sulphate

Did you know…...?

The molybdenum content in food is vastly dependent on the soil in which it grows and the water it receives for growth.

So how can we include it in our daily diet?

Vegetables and fruit; Cauliflower, green peas, spinach, garlic, tomatoes, celery, cucumber

Beans and pulses; lentils, split peas, black eye peas, lima beans, kidney beans

Seeds and nuts;  sesame seeds, walnuts, almonds

Wholegrains; oats, buckwheat, brown rice, rye, barley

An easy molybdenum rich recipe idea...............

Fragrant Cauliflower Rice
Blitz a whole cauliflower (stalk and leaves removed) in a blender until it resembles slightly larger than couscous sized pieces or alternatively grate the cauliflower by hand
Melt some coconut oil in a pan and throw in a finely chopped onion, a couple of cloves of crushed garlic, 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon of cumin powder, half a teaspoon of ginger powder and season with Himalayan salt and black pepper
Sauté this for a few minutes and keep stirring
Add the cauliflower along with 2 tablespoons or vegetable stock, water or bone broth, gently stir, cover with a lid and allow to steam for approximately 5 minutes
Combine with steamed peas or crushed almonds and serve.

My weekly ‘Nutrient Spotlight’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you're not feeling your best and need some guidence, support and focus on your health and nutrition then give me a call. I would love to help. 07961 166582

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

You can also join my free Facebook Group-  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/



Nutrient Spotlight on Vitamin E

What is it important for?

A potent antioxidant -preventing oxidative damage to our cells

Protective against the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

Balancing cholesterol

Improving blood flow

Fertility and gestation

Reducing memory loss in the elderly

Increasing the storage of vitamin A in our body

Reducing inflammation

Hormone balancing

Anti- aging and repairing skin damage

Did you know…...?

Vitamin E is a term used for 8 different nutrients, all of which are dissolved and stored in fat throughout the body.

So how can we include it in our daily diet?

Spinach, asparagus, avocado, sweet potatoes, peas , carrots, tomatoes, bananas, blackberries

Seeds and nuts e.g. sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts

Sesame oil, olive oil, avocado oil

Lima beans, chickpeas

Oatmeal, wheat germ, rye, brown rice

Butter, salmon, beef, egg yolk

An easy vitamin E rich recipe idea...............

Super E Smoothie
Place the following ingredients in to your smoothie maker or blender:
A handful of spinach,
2 handfuls of frozen mixed berries,
Half an avocado,
Approximately 6 chunks of cantaloupe melon or pear, 
1 tablespoons of sunflower seeds,
A large glass of water ( this can be adjusted depending on how thick you like it)
Blitz for approximately 20 seconds 
Pour into a glass and polish off for breakfast!

My weekly ‘Nutrient Spotlight’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you feel you could and should be feeling better and need some guidence, support and focus on your health and nutrition then give me a call. I would love to help. 07961 166582

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

You can also join my free Facebook Group-  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/



Nutrient Spotlight on Potassium

lentil curry.jpg

What is it important for?
•    Blood Pressure regulation
•    Muscle contraction and function
•    Cardiovascular health
•    Nerve and heart function
•    The maintenance of our cell walls
•    Regulation of fluid balance within the body
•    Supporting bone health
•    The production of some hormones (FSH, ADH and aldosterone)
•    Making proteins to be used in the body
•    Helps to prevent the formation of kidney stones

Did you know…...? 
Approximately 37% of the western population is at risk of potassium deficiency

So how can we include it in our daily diet?
•    All vegetables contain potassium in varying amounts.
•    Dark green leafy vegetables including Swiss chard, spinach, bok choy, broccoli  
•    Colourful fruit/ veg; beetroots, carrots, tomatoes, squash, cantaloupe melon, papaya
•    Beans and pulses; lima beans, pinto beans,  soy beans, kidney beans, lentils
•    Seeds and nuts;  sunflower, almonds ,pecans
•    Wholegrains; millet, brown rice

An easy potassium rich recipe idea...............

Quick lentil and veg curry

•    Melt some coconut oil in a pan and sauté a chopped onion finely chopped ginger and garlic
•    Throw in a few teaspoons of fennel seeds, turmeric powder, ground coriander, ground cumin and garam masala and stir. 
•    Sauté this for a few minutes before adding a tin of coconut milk and some vegetable stock and bring almost to the boil
•    Add some chopped squash and carrots and simmer for about 15 minutes
•    Then add a large chopped tomato and 2 cups of (rinsed) red lentils and continue to cook for around 10 minutes
•    Turn off the heat and add a few big handfuls of leafy green veg such as spinach or chard and stir through.
•    Serve with brown basmati rice and enjoy! 

My weekly ‘Nutrient Spotlight’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you feel you could and should be feeling better and need some guidence, support and focus on your health and nutrition then give me a call. I would love to help. 07961 166582

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

You can also join my free Facebook Group-  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/

Nutrient Spotlight on Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

What is it important for?

•    Improves our body’s resistance to stress
•    Allows us to produce energy from fats, carbohydrates and proteins
•    Involved in production of acetylcholine; vital for memory and concentration
•    Needed to make our antibodies
•    Strengthens our immune system
•    Used to manufacture red blood cells
•    Decreases lactic acid accumulation and helps to prevent muscle fatigue
•    Necessary for building our body proteins  
•    Involved in hormone production

Did you know…...? 

Most of the vitamin B5 we obtain from foods, is absorbed into our mitochondria. These provide the energy for our cells 

So how can we include it in our daily diet?

•    Avocado, mushrooms, broccoli, red chilli peppers , sweet potato, cauliflower, 
•    Seeds and nuts e.g. sunflower seeds, pecans, cashews hazelnuts
•    Lentils, garbanzo beans, split peas , black-eyed peas, soy beans
•    Oatmeal, buckwheat flour, rye flour, brown rice, wild rice
•    Eggs, beef , pork, chicken, fish

An easy vitamin B5 rich recipe idea...............

Buckwheat Tortillas
•    Mix 250g buckwheat flour with one egg and 750ml water to make the batter and leave to sit for half an hour
•    Melt some coconut oil or butter in a frying pan and ladle some batter into the pan
•    Brown the underside of the tortilla for 1 or 2 minutes before turning over and browning the other side
•    Pack with vitamin B5 rich foods including sautéed mushrooms, chilli pepper, beans or fish (use some onion,  garlic and spices to enhance  the flavour)
•    Top with some hand mashed avocado, roll your tortilla and enjoy!

My weekly ‘Nutrient Spotlight’ written for Fields to Fork Organics

If you feel you could and should be feeling better and need some guidence, support and focus on your health and nutrition then give me a call. I would love to help. 07961 166582

If you are interested in receiving recipe inspiration, top tips and the latest nutrition news, sign up to my newsletter at and like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/

You can also join my free Facebook Group-  Fuss-Free Healthy Eating  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FussFreeHealthyEating/